Fardella _ interacting with the text
[author: Flora Fardella - postdate: 2006-02-27]
In lines 3-16, Beowulf is described as an ideal Anglo-Saxon warrior embodying the qualities of character that were most admired by the people of his time and place.
Read the lines again and identify the traits that are most admired in Beowulf.

The traits that are most admired in Beowulf are represented by:
  • "there was no one alse like him alive" line 3
  • "he was the mightiest man on earth" line 4
  • "high-born and powerful" line 5
  • "dear as he was to them" line 10
  • "like the leader he was" line 13

Reconsider lines 24-30
a- The lines describe the journey by sea.
How long does the journay last?
What information is given about the land they arrive at?
b- Focus on the ship.
Underline in the text the words used to describe it.
What aspects of the ship do the words emphasise?

a- The journey lasts one day.
Reading the lines we learn that the land they arrived at had got sunlit cliffs and sheer crags.
b- The words used to desribe it are:
  • "their wood-wreathedship" line 23
  • "foam at her neck, she flew like a bird" line 25

The words emphasise the relationship that Beowulf had with its boat. In fact the narrator uses a personification ("her neck" that is refered to a boat)

Consider the sound aspect of the text. Remember that the modern translation tries to reproduce some linguistic features of the original.
a- Do the lines rhyme?
b- Do the lines make occasional or frequent use of alliteration? Justify your answer, quoting from the text.

a- No, they don't.
b- Yes, they do. For example the alliteration of "h" in the first line: "When he heard about Grendel, Hygelac's thane" and the alliteration of the "w" in the fist line of the second part: "Time went by, the boat was on water".

Focus on language.
a- Look back at the poem and find an example of a kenning used to describe the sea in the first part of the extract.
b- Find the simile in lines 24-26 and look at the picture of a Viking ship above. Does the shape of the ship justify the comparison? Give reasons.

a- "The swan's road" is an example of kenning that is referred to the sea to describe the course of water.
b- The simile is: "she flew like a bird". The comparison is justified because the extremes of the ship give the impression of bird's wings.

What function/s do you think the kennings, alliteration and simile serve?

a- They create rhythm
b- They characterise things and people more effectively.
c- They make parts of the poem more memorable.

The poem is informative about certain aspects of the Anglo-Saxon word.
a- Beowulf is a "thane" (line 2): within the social system of the time, he belongs to the military aristocracy. What kind of relationship is there between him and his warriors (line 9)?
b- Consider military dress on the left side of the page. What did warriors wear?

a- The relationship between him and his warriors is based on the respect and on the reciprocal help.
b- Warriors wear a helmet and shields.