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Old Epic Poetry [3A]
The present space is meant to create opportunities for students to study the most important features of epic poetry and namely:
  • characterization
  • setting
  • the use of language
in epic poetry so as to be able to understand the context od its widespread.
Consider also:
  1. Old English Language and Culture
  2. English Epic Heroes
  3. The Middle Ages in England

1  [2]  [Results 11-18 of 18]

*FGiusti - Beowulf

*[author: Francesca Giusti - postdate: 2007-04-01]

*GMargarit - Beowulf

*[author: Giacomo Margarit - postdate: 2007-04-01]

*AMazzarella - Beowulf

*[author: Anna Mazzarella - postdate: 2007-04-01]

*LMorelli - Beowulf

*[author: Luca Morelli - postdate: 2007-04-11]

*SRando - Beowulf

*[author: Silvia Rando' - postdate: 2007-03-30]

*FRossetti - Beowulf

*[author: Federica Rossetti - postdate: 2007-03-31]

*GSavino - Beowulf

*[author: Giuseppina Savino - postdate: 2007-04-05]

*ETaverna Turisan - Beowulf

*[author: Eleonora Taverna Turisan - postdate: 2007-04-11]