FRossetti - Immagine
[author: Federica Rossetti - postdate: 2007-05-30]
At a first impression the reader may think the poem is about the sun. As a matter of fact the poem says “Entri nella mia casa, facendoti spazio tra libri e cartelle, silenzioso, Infrangibile, l’immagine si rovescia, ombre e contorni nuovi, tramonto, sfumature di rosso, Il fuoco. But, if we read the poem paying more attention we will understand the poem is about a person. As a matter of fact the poet writes: in punta di piedi, timido a guardarsi, parco di cose e parole, le mani celando, dietro concentrazione e compostezza, distante, rosso di rabbia, sento parole lontane e vicine, parole non dette, imprecate.
The poem was written for a man as a matter of fact we have the words “silenzioso, timido, sicuro…”.
In the first stanza with the words “ facendoti spazio tra libri e cartelle”we understand that the protagonist of the poem is in a study, or he is trying to get into it. The person the poet is talking about is shy, but only in appearance, as a matter of fact he is “sicuro nelle procedure”, but, he is also “parco di cose e parole”, parco means that he doesn’t use many words. Usually a person who uses only few words to speak is shy.
The protagonist of the poem is hiding his hands, probably he did something he shouldn’t do. We can connect the verse “Dietro compostezza e concentrazione” with the verse “sicuro nelle procedure” and we can connect “Chi oserebbe mai immaginare?” with “Timido a guardarsi” and with “Ma sarŕ vero?”, in these three lines the poet makes us understand that he doesn’t know the person he is talking about very good, as a matter of fact he is surprised. In the third stanza the poet says another time that this person is “sicuro”(like he said in the sixth line). This person is “infrangibile” something unbreakable, this could be a negative connotation because he could be closed in itself and wouldn’t open to people, but could be also a positive connotation, someone unbreakable could be someone to who you can say whatever you want but he is strong enough so he wouldn’t bother, but, before we said that this person is shy and “parco di cose e parole” so the word “infrangibile” is a negative connotation, as a matter of fact he is also “distante”.
“Poi, quasi per caso, un fastidio, e l’immagine si rovescia”, probably this person is susceptible, as a matter of fact the imagine we have of this person changes completely, just for an annoyance. Maybe the poet thinks this person is false, he hides his real personality behind shyness, his personality comes out when he is angry, when we are angry we are more fragile and our real personality comes out. In this poem we find four semantic fields: the first semantic field is about the behaviours of the person this poem is composed to, then we find the semantic field of mistery (chi oserebbe mai immaginare…), at the end of the poem we find the semantic field of the four elements (water, fire, air and earth), the last semantic field is the semantic field of music (ascoltando le note di un violino irlandese).
In this poem we have the second singular person (entri), as a matter of fact this poem was written to a person to make he or she understand that some of his behaviours aren’t correct but, probably, the writer doesn’t want that this person knew that this poem was written for him or her (he probably wouldn’t appreciate the poem). The poet wants that this person identifies itself with the poem to understand she should change a little bit.
I think it’s a very nice poem and we can all identify with the poem because we are all precious but sometimes we get angry, even for annoyances.