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EComuzzi - Questions About Poetry
[author: Erica Comuzzi - postdate: 2007-10-16]


1.What is a poem? It is a poetic text.

2.In which way is it different from ordinary speech? Because it is organized in verse and it exploits rhyme and rhythm.

3.How are words selected and arranged into a poem? They are selected and arranged according to a pattern concerning  rhythm and a rhyme.

4.What is rhyme and what does it depend on?  We have a rhyme when the last word in one verse has a similar sound as in another verse.

5.What is rhythm and what does it depend on?  The poetry has a rhythm in the sense that the recurrence of the stress in a line flows according to a musical movement decided by the poet.

6.What is an internal rhyme? It is a rhyme occuring in the same verse.

7.What do we mean by  ?

8.What is alliteration? It is the repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more words in a line or consecutive lines.

9.What is assonance? It is the repetition of the same vowel sound within a line or at the end of a line.

10.What is consonance? It is the repetition of the same consonance sound within a line or at the end of a line.

11.Which is the basic unit of rhythm? It is the metric foot.

12.What does a metric foot consist of? It consists of stressed and unstressed syllables alternating in several combinations described by different names.

13.Which is the pattern on a jambic foot? it is when  an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed one as in the phrase "in lands - X /"

14. Which is the pattern on a trochaic foot? it's when a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed one as in the word "portrait - / X"

15.Why is the lay out important? Because it makes an explicit organisation of the poem content.

16.What does it add  to meaning? The  visual form of a poem.

17.What is an onomatopoeia? Give an example. We can use an onomatopoeia when we choose words whose sound suggests meaning.

18.What is a stanza? It's the organization of lines into single units

19.What is  free verse? A poem in free verse has no regular metre or line length and its rhythm is very close to the musical sound of natural speech.

20.What is denotation? It is plain meaning.

21.What is connotation? It is the associative meanings.

22.What is a lyric form on poetry?

23.What are figures of speech and what is their role? Give an example. They are that words in poetry that are often used to created image in the reader's mind.