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SBufo - Points of Reflections on Modernism
[author: Sara Bufo - postdate: 2007-12-06]

Text: notes

Task: food for thought

Cultural: reflect on the complexity of Modernism
Intertextual: find links and connections
Linguistic: practicing writing formats  


Darwin ---human beings no longer have a central position in the universe + Crisis of traditional values + beliefs of Victorian age crash (Economic depression + unemployment + loss of faith in liberal democracy, capitalism, progress)--- No more framework of reference ---- No omniscient narrator + eclipse of the narrator----shifting point of view


Darwin ---human beings no longer have a central position in the universe + Crisis of traditional values + believes of Victorian age crash --- No more framework of reference --- New ways of expression /experimentation---Modernism


Focus on form----plot reduced to the minimum---what matters are feelings--- Individual side + subjectivity (Prufrock, Leopold Bloom)---internal monologue + personal search, quest


Darwin ---human beings no longer have a central position in the universe---man's isolation--- Individual side + subjectivity (Prufrock, Leopold Bloom)--- unconscious: Freud + Jung (racial memory: key role in the unconscious)--- flux of thought


Focus on form----mythical method + objective correlative(quotes, allusions) ---- demanding to the reader ----elite movement


Aestheticism (Wilde: art for art sake) + symbolism + imagism (strong images, poetic language dry and cold to reflect cold, mechanical reality of modern world)+ futurism + surrealism + vorticism (tries to capture movement in an image)+ cubism ---Modernism: melting pot


Postcolonialism ---modernism as a cosmopolitan movement + celebration of antiheroes (Postcolonialism: marginalized + oppressed; Modernism: Prufrock, Leopold Bloom, Evelyn)---lack of "traditional" heroic qualities + recognition that a person is fraught with human frailties, unlike the archetypes of the noble epic warrior (Beowulf)


Prufrock: "No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be" + "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons"