GSerpi - Modernism and Post-Modernism
[author: Gianluca Serpi - postdate: 2007-10-31]



To identify the main differences between Modernism and Post Modernism, we can take into consideration 8 main dimensions, that are:

  1. society and social structure;

  2. social roles;

  3. subjectivity;

  4. discourse;

  5. knowledge;

  6. space;

  7. causality;

  8. social changes.

Starting from society, Modernism sees life as a perfect continuous line, instead Post-Modernism, has got a fragmented vision of life.  As a matter of fact Post-modernists pose fragmentation as a natural condition in human society. In Modernism society imposes a role to each person, so they have got a definite role  they cannot change. Post-modern society is governed by causality, and each person has to find a role in it. Moreover as Nietzsche said “God is dead”, society has lost its traditional certainties. The centrality of the individual typical of Modernism, was substituted by the de-centred vision of Post-Modernism. In Modernism, roles tend to be dichotomized good/bad, employer/employee, male/female..., as a consequence, the “me” dominates the “I”. In the Post-modern views pathos, so a suffering condition, substitute the logos.

As for  knowledge, Modernism prefers nouns to verbs and adopts a vision in which the axis of symbol and the axis of the imaginary make up  meaning, knowledge refers to local sites in Post-Modernism and to globality in Modernism. Modernism has got an elitarian vision thus it repressed the voices of non important people.

Modernism has got a 3D vision of life; Post-Modernism has got a multidimensional view, and the same thing happens with time.

Modernism has got a homogeneous view, Post-Modernism a fractal one.

Modernism has got a proportional view of causality and an evolutionary view of social changes.

Post-Modernism has got a destructive view, in which not important things can determinate unexpected effects. Social change is conceive by Modernism as a linear affair and by Post-Modernism as a non-linear reality