Communication » 1A Interacting

TSegatto - Homework (03/03/2010)
by TSegatto - (2010-03-12)
Up to  1A - Remedial Work. Revising GrammarUp to task document list

Page 310 exercise 1

a) I'll try to call you tonight, but I don't have much time.

b) How much times do you brush your teeth every day?

c) Shall I make some more tea? I didn't make much.

d) Kate only ate a sandwich because she didn't have much money.

e) There weren't many seats so some of us had to stand up.

f) Have you got much work, or do you want to come to the cinema?.

g) We invited lots of people to our party, but not many turned up.

h) You'll have to share, because there aren't many books.

Page 310 exercise 2

a) How many brothers have you got?

b) How much cost this T-shirt?

c) How many people are there?

d) How many bicycles do you need?

e) How much rise would you like?

f) How many children has he got?

g) How much money have you got?

Page 310 exercise 3

a) I haven't got too much time left.

b) How much money have you got in your bank account?

c) Too many of your friends have moved away form this neighbourhood?

d) How much times do you have to tell you to stop doing that?

e) There's much to be done to solve in crisis.

f) So any people still don't have a house after the hurricane.

g) How many potatoes are those?

Page 310 exercise 4

a) That new restaurant a bit expensive - not many people can afford 50€ for a meat.

b) How many tablespoons of sugar do you take?.

c) Twenty euros for a pair of leather shoes? That's' very cheap.

d) How much time have we left before the bell goes off?

e) She's very quiet - she doesn't speak much.

f) I used to travel a lot when I was younger.

g) You said you love books, but you haven't got many on your shelves.

Page 310 exercise 5

a) I don't eat much red meat.

b) Her family are very rich.

c) How much times a week do you go swimming?

d) A lot of his friends smoke.

e) There wasn't much time to change trains.

f) That restaurant isn't very expensive.

Page 312 exercise 1

a) Unfortunately she speaks very little English.

b) There's some wine left if you like.

c) We only had little snow this winter.

d) Because I left my hometown, I have few friends now.

e) Add just a little salt and it'll be perfect.

f) Now that he's retired, he's got a lot of time on his hands.

g) Have you got many computer games? A little.

Page 312 exercise 2

a) Can I have a little sugar in my tea, please?

b) I tried to phone him a little times, but I had no reply.

c) Only few of the students in this class can speak good English.

d) He's really poor - he's got so little money.

e) No, the cinema was not deserted - there were few people.

f) Can you spare a few money?.

g) A little rain won't do you any harm.

h) He's not very talkative . he's a man of few words.

Page 312 exercise 3

a) At this time the year in the city centre there are lots of tourist.

b) The test was really difficult. Only little passed it.

c) It doesn't take much money to have fun when you're young.

d) It takes a lot of money to live in a city like London.

e) Only few have sold one million copies in just one week.

f) I'll have some chocolate biscuits, please.

g) Pour a little milk in the coffee and mix it.

h) Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

Page 312 exercise 4

In our survey of school management, we have found that a lot of times is wasted in moving between classes. If students move quickly, some time can be recovered. The risk is that making students hurry between classes they may hurt themselves. A major problem is the condition of the school building. A little of money needs spending on renovation. Some classrooms have windows that don't close, a few classrooms even have plaster falling from the ceilings. There is always a little water on the floor in the bathrooms, because much of the taps dip. A lot of the students say they would like to see some green areas around the school. A few students said the school in too hot in summer and too cold in winter, but lots of them were happy with the temperature.