Learning Paths » 5C Interacting

AFDalForno From V. Woolf's “Mrs. Dalloway” Extract 1
by FDalForno - (2010-05-16)
Up to  5 C Modernism: Virginia Woolf and Joyce. FictionUp to task document list

Analysis of the extract taken from V. Woolf's “Mrs. Dalloway”.

Mrs Dalloway” is a novel written by Virginia Woolf in 1925. The novel develops in a single day. It is settled in London. It reports the story of Mrs Dalloway and another character, Septimus Warren, even if they aren’t related each other. The first paragraph is a personal description. She presents herself with her positive and negative qualities while she is going out for a walk and she is absorbed by what she is watching along the street. The extract describes Mrs Dalloway walking through Hyde Park when she is coming back her house: the speaking voice tells everything about her. The main topic of the extract is memory. As a matter of fact starting from her particular feeling, Mrs Dalloway makes some considerations about herself. She considers herself no more intelligent or cultured and she is not able to give rationally judgements to people or to herself. The only one quality she notices in her is the acute instinct. She analysis positive and negative aspects of her personality. The narrative technique used in the extract is the interior monologue. The third person narrator expresses through the shift of the point of view Mrs Dalloway’s interiority, using free indirect style.