Learning Path » 5B Interacting

Vanity Fair Chapters 2 and 30, analysis
by DMilocco - (2011-05-08)
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Chapter 2


Miss Sharp threw the dixonary in front of Miss Jemima and Miss Sedley. Rebecca is very angry and told Amelia the hate she felt for the house and for Miss Pinkerton.


The story of the chapter is set in Chiswick, by the river side.


The characters are Rebecca, Amelia and Miss Jemima.


The narrator is omniscient and intrusive.


From the text's quote:"The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face"

Chapter 30


Captain Crawley has to leave and he is giving Rebecca some items to sell for money because he might not come back. Rebecca is very interested in them and she does not care at all about her husband. She is worrying about her look and about how much money she could gain by selling those items.


The story of the chapter is set in Captain Crawley and Rebecca's house.


The characters are Rebecca and Captain Crawley.


The narrator is omniscient and intrusive.


The message the narrator wants the reader to get, is the true nature of Rebecca, as a materialistic and selfish woman.