Communication » 2A Interacting

SRijavec - A Pair Of Silk Stockings
by SRijavec - (2011-06-05)
Up to  2 A Reading short stories and listening practiceUp to task document list

A pair of silk stockings

Mrs. Sommers one day found fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money.


Immediatly she started thinking about what she could do with that amount of money. After a few days she decided to buy some clothes at a shopping centre.


Mrs. Sommers, as the neighbours say, had better days before she had ever thought of being Mrs. Sommers, but she had no time to devote to the past. The needs of the present absorbed her every faculty.


At the shopping centre she wanted to buy what she had planned before she went there, but she at the end she deciced to buy a pair of silk stockings and a pair of gloves.


Mr. Sommers left the shopping centre wearing the clothes she had bought, she should have gone straight to her house, but she stopped in a exclusive reastaurant.


She was enjoing her day, but she was not satisfied at all; after she had left the restaurant she decided to go to the theatre.


She was among a lot of rich people, she criticized some woman, but in the end she enjoied the play and the memeber of the audience near her.


When she left the theatre it was late, but she didn’t want to walk, so she waited for the cable car. She was sitting in the cable car wishing it would never stop anywhere.