Learning Path » 5B Interacting

DPitton - The Chief Features of the Industrial Revolution. A.Toynbee.
by DPitton - (2010-11-04)
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1.Very few characters are actually named in order for the reader to catch the atmosphere of closeness and to pay more attention to the protagonist's feelings and thoughts.
2.It tells me that Mangan's sister is restrained in convent, therefore she's regretting she can't go at the bazaar.
3.The boy is very shy and therefore sensitive to other people's thoughts and judgments. His self-awareness doesn't eventually seem to help him in that case.
North Richmond Street
Blind, quiet, decent, brown, sombre, cold
The narrator's house
Air musty, long enclosed
The building that houses 'Araby'
Girdled by a gallery, silent, dark
1b. The overall atmosphere created by the settings of the story is one of pondency, dejection, oppression, alienation and frivolity.

1.The story is called 'Araby' because its conclusive part is set in a Bazaar reproducing an arabic atmosphere.
2."I imagined that i bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes" This expression conveys to the reader a sense of illusionary self awareness. This links 'Araby' to 'The Sisters' because in both of the stories the protagonist is estranged from other people.
The other houses of the street gazed at one another
I kept her brown figure always in my eye
Being blind
The space of the sky above us was the colour of everchanging violet
My eyes burned with anguish and anger
Dark odorous stables
Looking at her

The blind was pulled down
The young lady glanced at me

Gazing up into the darkness

The sense of sight is sometimes compared to the soul, therefore blindness is a metaphor for inner paralysis.

SIMILARITIES IN THEIR CHARACTERS: they both are young and sometimes naive
DIFFERENCES: the protagonist in "Araby" is shier
SIMILARITIES IN THEIR WAYS OF TELLING THE STORY: they both refer to the past and to their emotions and feelings
1.The central theme of the story is the shyness and inner paralysis of a young Dubliner.
2.The Catholic Church is both an evasion from ordinary life and the cause of the paralysis
3.The paralysis is the common theme in both "Araby" and "The sisters".


When writing about the Industrial Revolution, we are basically refering to the evolution of a familiar productive system into an industrial technological one.
Many are the innovations that occurred during that period: first of all the enclosures. It consisted of the bordering of vast extensively coltivated crops in order to increase their productivity, applying the quadriennial rotation. This phenomenon led to a huge emigration of farmers from their country lands. Another important aspect was the discovery of steam power, which was applied both in textile factories and in transports (in particular with the invention of train and new types of ships).
Last but not least, the Industrial revolution bequeathed new political-ideological movements, in particular the social economy and the Liberalism, whose dynamics we are still experiencing today.