Learning Path » 5A Interacting

CDean - FZanaboni - Task 1
by CDean - (2010-11-21)
Up to  Postmodernism and PossessionUp to task document list

- The film has shown the following English settings: Ash's house, London Library, British Museum, Maud's house, Lincolnshire (Sir George Bailey's house, LaMotte's grave), Lincoln University, Yorkshire, Hodershall (cemetery).

- While watching the film the naive reader comes across literary institutions (Libraries, Centre of research, British Museum, Academies) and he can immediatly understand that the film may deal with related topics.

- The role of academy comes into play through the study of books and documents by some characters that are all in a way or another connected to university life.

- Documents and letters come to the frefront because they are the foundation from which the story develops.

- Victorian and modern London are mostly presented through inner setting (the director focuses his camera on the rooms where the most important events take place) as well as the way the rooms are furnished. All that relying on the visual level immediately return the two different images of the two different periods: one far away from today and one immediately near to contemporary indoor life.

- There are different ideas of possession: physical love, mental love, will to keep precious letters and documents.

- Literary erudition is shown in the film through dialogues between characters, their quotations or reference to litaerary works of different genres and periods and through pictures (pages of some books)

- The characterizations of the four protagonists are created through their actions, movements, expressions and dialogues.

- The director shows the bond developing between Maud and Roland parallel to the love story between Ash and LaMotte and their coming close because of the search they are carrying out.

- The juxtaposition of present and past is developed through montage (alternative sequences), flashback and  panoramic effects.