Textuality » 4A Interacting

DIacumin: Humanism
by DIacumin - (2010-11-23)
Up to  4 A Comparative analysis. An example. Humanism and SonnetteersUp to task document list


- pervade art, literature, learning law and civic life

- reaction against scholasticism

- rediscovery of classical culture

- more diffused in Italy because Latin had never been completely lost in learning in schools and universities

- Petrarch thought as the first humanist: he has a scholar model but he admires Cicero works

- with Petrarch' thinks comes a new civic spirit 

- new appreciation to pagan classics 

- humanists undertook large journeys from monaster to monaster to find ancient works forgotten

- with new discoveries there is a distinction between Greece and Rome and between classic and medieval Latin

- a new thinking dominate universities and Europe