Textuality » 4A Interacting

LRusso-4a Wyatt's Pessimistic, A Comparative Analisys
by LRusso - (2010-11-24)
Up to  4 A Comparative analysis. An example. Humanism and SonnetteersUp to task document list

                                               Wyatt's Pessimistic                                                                                                                                                                                     A Comparative Analisys: Key words



•·         His own version

•·         In doing so

•·         To be obsessed over something

•·         Unattaible woman

•·         Mrstress

•·         However/all the same

•·         Is suffice it to say

•·         To take the situation

•·         To deal with

•·         To be essentially the same thing

•·         Before examining

•·         Right from the start/ right at the beginning

•·         To have a negative impression

•·         Aimless

•·         Aim

•·         On one hand/ on the other hand

•·         Merely

•·         Dramatizes

•·         Rather than

•·         To portray

•·         Portrait

•·         Whereas

•·         He wants the reader to experience the character's emotion

•·         The novelist wants the reader to be involved with

•·         To be involved with

•·         To have the reader feel

•·         To be over/ to be finished/ to come to an end/ to be conclude

•·         To refers to

•·         To use euphemism

•·         To me/ in my opinion/ my thinking is/ I believe/ I think

•·         Tangible

•·         A very tangible representation

•·         Finally at the end of the stanza

•·         My example shows

•·         Thus

•·         To exaggerate

•·         Irony

•·         Failure

•·         To fail

•·         To parallel

•·         Quest

•·         Goals

•·         To acquire

•·         To put emphasize

•·         Emphasize

•·         To make something emphatically

•·         A feeling towards

•·         Phrase

•·         Although

•·         Even if

•·         To become the symbol for

•·         Likewise

•·         He who/ she who/ they who

•·         As if + ing

•·         He behaves as he understood

•·         Ultimately

•·         Sail

•·         To refer to

•·         Rather

•·         The two words, A and B, combine to be

•·         As a vehicle

•·         The fog clears up

•·         Most likely

•·         Both... and...

•·         To write about

•·         Instead of

•·         Not only... it also...

•·         Time smaller

•·         Much/many + comparative

•·         The literary meaning

•·         To solve a situation successfully

•·         To plunge into

•·         It may end up

•·         To be optimistic

•·         To continue to stay + adjective

•·         To drown

•·         Throughout

•·         To have a goal in mind.