Communication » 2A Interacting

SStival-Verb Tenses Practice
by SStival - (2010-12-02)
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Es. 20 pag. 45

1. Perhaps the police might control criminal with drugs
2. There's a chance that the Internet might replace books
3. If it rains, It's possible that they may cancel the match
4. Maybe he might help you, if you ask him.
5. We probabily may not go out, but it's possible.


Es.21 pag. 45

1. People won't stop using their cars
2. Record shops may disappear- everyone might buy the music on Internet
3. Most people might work from home
4. People will watch TV on their mobile phones.


Es. 11 pag 49
Hi Helen !
We had a really excited time at the party last night - In fact at 3 a.m. we were still dancing!
If you won't come to the next one you will be sorry !
No headache excuses next time, OK?!?
Anyway, when I arrived, Paul was dancing with Abby ! I was so surprised! Why was he dancing with her ? Where was Ruth? Just then, Ruth walked in with Luke !
They were holding hands and I felt a bit disappointed because I really liked Luke. But then I met Luke's brother, Harry and... WOW ! But I will tell you about him tomorrow if I will see you.
Do you think you will feel better tomorrow?
Listen, I must go now because Harry is going to phone a minute-Do you think he will ask me out tonight? Who knows - Anything might happen !"
Get well soon!


Es.12 pag. 49

1.Listen ! There's someone out of there...He's trying to enter !
2. Oh no ! What will we do if someone will broke the window?
3. I don't know, But I'm going to scream !
4. Wait ! Look ! There's no one out of the window...It's Filip !
5. What?!?! The cat was trying to enter in the house?
6. Yes, it is so embarrassing. Luckily anyone had listen to us !