School Work 09-10
2A Interacting
2A - Instructions to login and upload for new students
2 A - Language practice:to say and to tell and performative verbs
2 A - Descriptions
2 A - Entertainment
Listening Comprehension and Summary Writing
Summary Writing
2 A - Verb Tenses Practice
Learning about CV
2 A - Modal Verbs
2 A If Clauses and Reported Speech
2 A - Remedial work and reinforcement
2 A Revising units 10 and 12
2 A. Cases and Problems. Adolescence
2 A Reading short stories and listening practice
2A This year's programme
Summer Remedial Work
Listening activity
3A Interacting
How to read poetry
3A - Instructions to use this site for the students
Textual Analysis. Home practice.
3 A - Aspects of Sound in English poetry
3 A The History of Great Britain
3 A - Beowulf and Epic Poetry
3 A - Beowuls of Today
3 A - The Middle Ages from the Norman Conquest on
3A. Characterization in poetry and the novel.Geoffrey Chaucer. The Characters in The Canterbury Tales
Creative Writing Experiences. Characterization in Poetry
3A The Renaissance in England and the sonnet
The Middle Ages: Drawing Conclusions
4A Interacting
4A - Instructions to log in and use this site for students
4A - The Anglo-Saxsons and The Middle Ages
4 A The Renaissance and the sonnet form
4 A - Analysing sonnets
4 A Comparative analysis. An example. Humanism and Sonnetteers
4 A Shakespeare's Sonnets
4 A. Shakespeare and His Plays and Theatre
4 A - Hamlet and the Monologue
4A Puritans and Civil War
4A Metaphysical Poetry and John Donne
4 A. John Milton. Paradise Lost and The Puritans
4A The Industrial Revolution
4A - The 18th century
4 A j. Winterson Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
4 A Final Programme
Learning Path
5A Interacting
5A ESC Programme
5A - Arnold Toynbee. The Chief Features of the Industrial Revolution
5A Instructions to use this site for new students
5 A - Possession. Initial steps of analysis
Possession. The Structure of the Novel. Analysis. A Reading Experience
5A - Getting to know Postmodernism
5 A - Listening Activity
Postmodernism and Possession
5A Checking Awareness of Postmodernism
5 A - Nice Work. Characters and The Novel in Postmodernism
Modernism and The Modern Age in Fiction. V. Woolf and J. Joyce
5 A - James Joyce. Dubliners and Ulysses
5A Moments of Being and Epiphanies
5 A T.S. Eliot and The Waste Land
5 A - The Victorian Novel and the novel
5 A Victorian Poetry. The Lady of Shallot. The dramatic Monologue.Tennyson and Browning
5A The Anti-Victorian reaction. T.Hardy's Jude and O.Wilde's Preface to the Picture of Dorian Gray
5 A Romantic Codes. First Generation
Updating about ESC English Programme sent to the clas mouthspeaker
5 A The Ode and the Second Generation of Romantic Poetry
5 A Revising Possession
Learning Path
5B Interacting
5B - Instructions to use this site
5B - The Chief Features of the Industrial Revolution. A.Toynbee.
5B- Reading Poetry- Lines Written in Early Spring and The Solitary Reaper
5 B - Romanticism: First Generation. W. Wordsworth. Theory and Poetry
I Wander Lonely as a Cloud
J. Joyce - Dubliners and Ulysses
The Ode
5 B. Romanticism. First Generation. S. T. Coleridge. Theory and Practice
5 B J. Keats and his Ode on a Grecian Urn
5 B - Victorian Poetry. The Dramatic Monologue
5B The Victorian Age and Fiction
5B. The Anti-Victorian Reaction and Aestheticism. T. Hardy and O. Wilde
5 B Modernism and The Modern Age in Fiction. V. Woolf and J. Joyce
5 B - ESC Programme
5 B T.S. ELIOT and Modernist Poetry
Teaching Input
Learning Resources
Remedial Work
All classes. The use of the article in English
5A. Suggestions for the study of Postmodernism. Study steps and related documents.
Competenze - Presentazione UDA gruppo GO-TS
Training Course. Disturbi specifici dell'Apprendimento
Summer Practice 2011
Prep courses
Teachers Training Course. Disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento