Communication » 1ALS Communication

MBurba - Homework 5.3.2018
by MBurba - (2018-03-05)
Up to  1ALS - Communication ActivitiesUp to task document list

Es 1 page 44


1)         Because they are commis chef

2)         A commis chef is a chef who is doing an apprenticship


Es 2 page 44


1)         I am doing

2)         Working

3)         You are helping

4)         I’m not going out

5)         Is doing


Es 3 page 44


1)         Is chopping

2)         Shouts

3)         Doesn’t work

4)         Doesn’t leave

5)         Is working

6)         Doesn’t go

7)         Is doing


Es 4-5 page 44


1)         What is the teacher doing? She is talking

2)         Is anyone sitting near the window? No it isn’t

3)         Is anybody wering something black? Yes it is

4)         Are any students writing? Yes they are

5)         Are all the students doing this exercise? Yes they are


Es 1 page 45


1)         It is from US

2)         It promotes peace and friendship in the world

3)         They work in bhealth, education or agriculture


Es 2 page 45


1)         C

2)         A

3)         F

4)         B

5)         D

6)         E


Es 4 page 45


1)         T

2)         T

3)         F

4)         T

5)         F

6)         F


Es 5 page 45


I would like to do a voluntary work abroad because I like travelling and I like foreign languages


Es 6 page 45


1)         B

2)         W

3)         W

4)         E

5)         R

6)         T

7)         K


Es 8 page 45



1)         Teaches

2)         Teaching

3)         Learning

4)         Learning

5)         Teaching




I: Hi Mark! I’m Micol

M: Hi! How are you?

I: Fine thanks. And you?

M: Good. Why are you calling me?

I: I want to ask you if can go to a restaurant with me

M: Sure . Where would you like to go?

I: I would like to go to a sushi restaurant

M: Sorry. I don’t like sushi

I: What about going to a pizza restaurant instead?

M:Yes it is a great idea

I: Shall we go to Chichibio?

M: Yes I like o much

I: We can go there at 8 p.m.

M: Yes. It is ok for mr

I: So see you later

M: Sure . Bye!

I: Bye!