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PBragagnini - Exit West
by PBragagnini - (2017-09-20)
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In the present text I'm going to expose my riflession about the review, done by Andrew Motion for the newspaper "The Guardian" about Moshin Hamid's novel "Exit West".
Andrew Motion had developed his review into three parts. The first one has the function to make a little summary of the novel "Exit West" and to expose to the reader Hamid's previous books. In the second one Motion wanted to light up to the reader the most relevant problems touched by Hamid in his novel and in the third part he showed to the reader why the two protagonists, Saeed and Nadia, didn't crown their love.
In the first pages of the book I found a lot of accuracy in describing protagonists's feels and the brutality of the war, so I was agree about what Motion wrote in the article about the "radical semplicity" of Hamid's writing technique. An other interesting point of Motion's aricle was the connotation of Hamid to a "ventriloquist". I find myself agree in comparing Hamid to a ventriloquist because, as a ventriloquist talk through a doll or a muppet, Hamid explores some attual problems as immigration and civil war through Saeed and Nadia. So all the considerations about this problems, done by the two protagomnists, are Hamid's considerations, so I can say that he worked into the darkness.
In the last point about that I want to expose my approvation  to Motion's point of view about the end of the relation-ship between Saeed and Nadia. He said that "external pressures accentuate their difference attitudes to sex, to worship". I was agree to this consideration because it is a truth because sometimes we had to change our point of view about something after an external factor intervention, as happened for the two protagonists who decided to broke down their relation-ship.
In conclusion I expose my disapproval to Hamid's choice to insert a magician element that is the black doors and to not expore the travel that the migrants had to do when they decided to escape from war. I believe that the travel of the migrants was a critical part of their migration because they had to face effort, tiredness and also sometimes death; so I would have preferred that Hamid opened reader's eyes also about this problem.