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BDelbianco-Reading and Analyzing Poetry-exercises 8-9 pag.24-25
by BDelBianco - (2019-01-09)
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Pag. 24-25 “It’s literature”


Es. 8

  1. Stanza 3: Now try and lose bigger things, do it more often: cities, names and the places you were supposed to go. Nothing happens if you forget about them.
  2. Stanza 2: Imagine you lose something daily, for example your keys.
  3. Stanza 1: It is easy to lose things, especially because many of them seem to ask for it, and it is not a big issue, anyway.
  4. Stanza 6: But losing someone I love is not unimporatnt. It is true, losing is an easy process, but at times its consequences are tragic.
  5. Stanza 4: A family object disappeared, and soon after even one of the houses where I used to live.
  6. Stanza 5: I used to live in a couple of places in a country I really liked, I had some dear corners where I used to find peace. I don’t have them anymore, but it is not such a big deal.


Es. 9

One Art is made up of six stanzas; the first four stanzas contain three lines, while the last consists of four. The poemi s a villanelle, a form deriving from rustic songs; its rhyme scheme is ABA.

The “I” voice talks to a “you” expressing sadness and sense of loss, while making ironical comments on the inevitability of losing objects and opportunities. Losing a loved one, however, is a much more painful experience, and the poet finally forces herself to acknowledge that that is disaster.