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CDellaNegra- Reported speech of unit 2(Smart skills)
by NDellaNegra - (2019-01-13)
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Dad asked how was a toast and then he said happy new year to everybody. After that he said what are the New Year's Resolutions to starting with frances.

Frances said that she isgoig to look for something more exciting to do this year that is a new job. Then she said what are the Ian's programs for the next year.

Ian asked to Frances if she will mind her business.

Mum asked to Ian what are his planning for this year.

Ian said that he will stop to bite his nails.

Mum said well done dear and why he doesn't start getting haircut too. yhen she said that Ian look's like a little scruffy and that he should start working harder for colleege because his grades weren't good enough last term. After that mum said why he doesn't start checking out new universities for places.

Ian said nag nag nag and after that he said that first he decides what he would like to become and when he will finish the school he will check out universities.

Mum said sorry and asked to Frances that this year he will be twenty one year old.

Frances answered that it will be 18 years old for Ian.

Ian proposed to do a party with friends and music. Then he asked if there are other ideas.

Frances answered that at the Feathers'Hotel they have great rooms for parties.

Dad proposed to spend more money for a good band and spend less money to rent the school hall. 

Frances said that was a good idea and proposed to hire a rock band.

Ian proposed a blues band and the mum propose a flock band.

Daddy,to joke,proposed to hire the town choir.

Ian suggested to start thinking about which band to hire and asked to the other family members if they knew some bnad's names.

Dad told that he heard about the "Cat fish Brothers".

All the family members werw in agrrement with him.

Mum said to start thinking about who to invite and Dad said they could invite about50 people each and mum said that was perfect;then  they had to invite Uncle Rob.

Ian,joking,asked his mother if he was really his brother ,since he had a better sense of hu,or.

Dad scolded Ian telling him not to be rude to his mother.

The mum thanked her father and told Frances to ask her reastaurant for the hotel all.

Dad said this would be an expensive year,even if it was only the first day.