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MPuntin - points about the american myth
by MPuntin - (2019-01-14)
Up to  5QLSC - The Reluctant Fundamentalist. A personal reading experience Up to task document list


  • America’s richness is represented by the chapters: from the interlocutor’s suit to the ones in Greece that spends with nonchalance money during holidays.

  • The greatness of the country is expressed by Princeton’s buildings

  • Changez was attracted by the American dream: he thought his life was “a film in which he was the star and everything was possible”. America appears as a country full of opportunities.

  • American people are a particular bearing that characterizes them

  • Princeton, his students and professors rapresent the potential of a great country

  • Underwood Samson represents the capitalistic economy and meritocracy

  • Jim rapresents the American dream: started from the bottom, he ended as a businnes man

  • During his travel in Greece Changez appeared to be different from the other guys who went with him, but he doesn’t criticize them too much. He continued to feel as a part of the company.