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AB_Puritan Culture
by ABrandalise - (2019-01-16)
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AB_Puritan Culture

Is America still Puritain?


Reading and Use of English


  1. (G) Was he right?
  2. (E) They also believe in predestination and viewed the film Dirty Dancing.
  3. (A) But first, some were subtly exposed to salvation-related words like heaven and redeem, while others were exposed to neutral words.
  4. (F) They were also asked to rate their support for a school that had banned revealing clothing.
  5. In none of these studies did the results hinge on the participants’ religious affiliation or level of religious feeling.
  6. (C) It’s hard to say for sure that any given element of the american psyche results from our Puritan founders


exercise SEE

  1. The animal represented is a turkey.
  2. The characters sitting on it  are pilgrims.



exercise THINK

  1. The elements maybe are the food and the pilgrims.
  2. I think the picture represents Thanksgiving American festivity.