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EBearzot - unit 2
by EBearzot - (2019-01-16)
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This is a conversation among the members of a family: the mother, the father and the two sons, Frances and Ian.

Dad asked how about a toast in that moment and he wished a Happy New Year everybody. He asked what were their New Year resolutions and he told Frances to start.

Frances said he was going to look for what to do that year, he meant a new job. He asked Ian what about him and if he was going to try and stop being so boring and maybe if he got a life.

Frances said that that was, do something interesting, and told Ian it was time to do so.

Ian asked Frances if he would mind his own business. Mum told Ian to come on and to tell them what he was planning to do that year.

Ian promised he was going to stop biting his nails and insisted that that was what he was going to.

Mum said it was well done and asked why he didn’t start getting a haircut more often. She said he looked a little scruffy and that he really should start working harder for college because his grades weren’t good enough the term before. She asked him why he didn’t start checking out the universities for places the following year while he was at it.

Ian told his mum that it was enough and that he would first decide what he’d like to become when he finished school and then he would check out the universities. He asked his mum if she was satisfied.

Mum asked if it was Frances’ 21st year and he answered that it was Ian’s 18th year, too.

Ian asked how about having a joint party where there would be fun, friends and music. After that he asked if anyone had any ideas.

Frances said their restaurant caters for parties at the Feathers’ Hotel. He also said they have some great rooms for parties. Dad answered it will be awfully expensive he asked confirmation from others.

Frances said his dad that it wasn’t awfully expensive and he said they could find out if dad wanted it. He also said he could ask them about how much it would cost per person, if there’d was a live band or a DJ or how big the ball rooms were.

Mum answered okay and she said Frances would do that.

Dad proposed the school hall and he said they could hire it for a night.

Ian replied to his dad he spent 13 years trying to get out of that school and he asked his dad not to made him go back there.

Dad said if they want save money to hire the school hall, they could spend more money on a good band.

Frances said it was really a good idea and he proposed to hire a rock band. Ian proposed to hire a blues band, mum a folk band and dad proposed to hire the town choir.

Together they exclaimed what and dad said he was only kidding, he said he didn’t mean that and he told others to cool down.

Ian said his father that he had a strange sense of humour and he said him to stop joking and start thinking about it. Ian also asked his father if he knew a good band to hire and he said that he couldn’t think of anything. Finally he asked his father what he suggested.

Dad answered he has heard of a really good Cajun Band called the Cat Fish Brothers that wouldn’t be very expensive to hire.

Ian exclaimed they were excellent and dad was pleased that the family had heard of it.

Mum replied they obviously had heard about it and sheasked who they wanted to invite and the father replied that according to him they could invite about 50 people.

Mum said with family and friends they were about 200 people and she  proposed to invite Uncle Rob too.

Ian said he always liked his uncle because he is very nice. He also asked his mum why she didn’t have a sense of humor like him and asked her mum if she was really his brother since they didn’t look very much alike.

Dad told Ian not to be rude to his mother. Mom thanked her husband and she said she would write to her brother. She also told Frances to ask to his restaurant about the hotel.

Dad said this could turn out to be the most expensive year he had, and this was only the first day.