Textuality » 4PLSC Textuality

ICorazza - 4PLSC - UNIT 5
by ICorazza - (2019-01-28)
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Prevent, active, protect, convince, stary, affection, adopt, extinction, poachers, protest, deprive, respect, discourage, emissions, affects, awareness, threat, recycling, processing, products, goods, existence, donate


1layer, 2resources, 3warming, 4energy, 5waste, 6issues, 7rain, 8dump


1Reverse, 2conserve, 3 preserve


1take, 2run 



1 resources

2 waste

3 warming

4 layer

5 dump

6 energy

7 effect

8 fuels

9 spill

10 farms/mills


1 conservation

2 consumption

3 contamination

4 destroying

5 organisation

6 pollution

7 preservation

8 prevention

9 production

10 reduction


1 conservation

2 polluting

3 destroying

4 pollution

5 action

6 contaminated

7 preserve

8 destruction

9 preservation

10 prevention


Last but not least, a part from this, thus, consequently, especially


Also, for instance, moreover, finally, however, furthermore, as a result


G, d, f, b, c, a

















The object of the present text is to discuss about “the environment’s issues” and what can people do in order to protect the world. So now I am going to express my opinion about the argument


To begin, I have recently listened to a recording of a talk show where participate different callers who speak to the radio presenter Jack about the environmental ’s problems. What I have learned from the listening activity is that the environment is in danger and everybody may follow simple steps in order to get a bit greener, to save the environment and to live in a better world


Following the order shown in listening number 5, the first caller state to be against all the water – saving – measure because he is from Vancouver and there, there is a lot of water so he ironically adds the only reason they have to save water is to sell it to the States. He underlines the water restriction make them aware of how much water they actually do waste so they have to put in them mind that water is so important and that it is not an endless natural resources.

In my opinion it is important not to waste water because it can end, consequently to prevent this people could close the faucet while they are washing their teeth or their hands, they could use the cooking water to water flowers and everyone could not to waste bottle which still contain water.


Another caller joins the discussion and he talks about global warming.

He says that he read an article which criticised human being to put out so many forest fires as in fact some are necessary for renewal. He think that forest’s fires are connect to water because to break out fire you sometimes have to use water.

In addition he said that forest’s fires are nature’s way of cleaning up, but rarely when a fire does break out creates infernos.

It is important to save forest not to buy rainforest products but recyclable goods.


The third caller talks about an other environmental ‘ s problem, farming.

First he informed the TV presenter that he is a farmer too and furthermore he says that farmers are in favour of the use of pesticides and fertilisers to produce more crops.

It means that if farmers want to sell their products they should be visually attractive and unfortunately taste come last.

Contrary to this, chemical products damage the natural environment and infect the human being and animal’s food causing diseases to living being.


Finally, also caller number seven wants to take part to the discussion and his topic is focus on his concern about the over populated world and the lack of resources necessary for the livelihood of all.

He thinks the Western World people can not grasp the problem because they live in the land of excess and it is so difficult to image how people in third World countries are underfed so he wants to say that people of the Western World have not to nourish food or any other substance.

It is fundamental to try to understand the condition in which people of the third world live and everyone could be carefully not to waste food or any other resources. In addition it is an other solution try to recycle products, indeed by processing used materials and converting them into new products people reduce the consumption of natural resources.


All things considered it could be said that the environment is seriously damaged under every points of view and it is important that people try to reduce terminable sources’ use, to use energy saving measures, to reduce the cars’ using in order to eliminate the air pollution which affects people health and causes breathing problems or diseases and they have to pay attention on everything het do which can damage the world.


Listening 5 ’ s vocabulary:


Water-saving measures = misure per conservare l'acqua

Never – ending – natural resources = una risorsa naturale infinita

Global warming = riscaldamento globale

Forest fires = incendi nelle foreste

Over populated world = mondo sovrapopolato

Resources = risorse

To melty = sciogliersi

Clean-up = pulizia

Debris = detriti

Farming = agricoltura

Crops = colture

Tasteless = insaporito

Fertiliser = fertilizzante

Pesticide = pesticida

To waste = sprecare

To grasp = afferrare

To prevent from = prevenire da

To be concerned with = esssere interessato a

To make somebody aware of = rendere qualcuno consapevole

To bump up production = accrescere la produzione

To increase the production = accrescere la produzione

To be forced = essere costretto

To be a farmer oneself = proprio quella persona




1 – 5 there is no doubt

2 – 2 in favour off

3 – 6 not everyone could agree

4 – 3 argue that

5 – 7 contrary to

6 – 1 on the other hand

7 – 4 consideration all the above

8 – 0 all things considered