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RGregori_Industrial Revolution
by RGregori - (2019-02-06)
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The industrial revolution is one of the most important facts in English history. It's a process that changed an agrarian country into an industrialized one.

One of the main factors which led to the industrial revolution was the decision taken by landowners to change their method of working the land using for example the steam-plough and other machines invented in that period. This new system made landowners realize that they did not need so many labourers on the land. So many of them moved to the Northern cities such as Manchester, where there were plentiful coal mines, which was very important for factories. This fact led to a decrease in the agricultural society. Another important event is the growth of population due to a better production of food and better housing conditions.

The industrial revolution also brought many useful inventions to the textile industry such as the Spinning Jenny, the water frame, Crompton's mule and the self-acting mule. But the most important for innovation were the steam engine and the power-loom.

As regards to Iron Industry, smelting by pit-coal and steam engine in blast furnace were essential for the new rhythm of work and competition. This growth in production of manufactured goods led to better roads and transport by rail