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ABergantin-Analysing Geordie by Asia Bergantin
by ABergantin - (2019-02-23)
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Just considering the title, the poem might be about a man who is called Geordie and his story.

The reader is interested to know who is Geordie.

The layout shows the composition consists of seven quarcet that's stanzas with four lines. Ended You can understand it's a poetical text, considering how lines are arranged and it shows the alternation about narration and dialogue,

If you analyse the stucture of the poem you can see each stanza ends with a full stop. This creates a break between stanzas and it means that in the next stanza there hasn't the same topic or a similar discussion than previosly one.

In the first stanzas the narrater is the writer while in other six stanzas is a lady that the writer overheads in the first one.

The first part of the poem (1-2-3) is setting near London Bridge and the character walking on the bridge and near a desperate lady.

Stanzas number 4-5-6 is setting in a court so in a different ambientation. There is a temporal leap between the first threestanzas and the next three and thank to that, you can identify yourself in the different context, and not just heard what lady tells.

The last one probably has the same context than the firsts ones, but the poet doesn't made you able to be sure of this.

The use of direct speech made you able to be closer to the speaking voice and conveins the idea the lady has got about her Geordie.

The atmosphere in the poem shows lady's desperationin the best way.

Frequency use of possesive adjective as "my and me" lines 5-9-10-25 underline relationship between the lady and Geordie and the alliteration of "m" seems lady's laments and repetation of phrase "Go bridle me my " made you able to understand that is a prayer.

On the surface the poem tells about a character that listens lady's laments and the story of her Geordie.

Probably the poem tryes to made you able to fell lady's desperation and he condemns several penalty that there was in middle age.

This poem uses the rhyme chained (a/b/c/b/d/e/d ): ends rhyme ads velocity at poem's rhythm.

"Geordie" in lines 5-25 is associated with "golden" lines 5-25 thanks to an alliteration of letter "eo", This association underlines the regality of Geordie.