Textuality » 4SLSA Textuality

GPapa - exercises page 32, 33, 35
by GPapa - (2018-10-30)
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Ex. A page. 32

  1. You have a high temperature, runny or blocked nose, sore throat and a splitting headache.  G
  2. You have a light injury or wound.  A
  3. You fall down and break your leg.  B
  4. You stumble, slip and have a deep cut.  F
  5. You have regular headaches because of stress.  H
  6. You feel under the weather.  E
  7. A member of your family faints.  D


Ex. B page. 32

Unfortunately, I can’t make it because of a broken leg. You know, I had an accident in my own home four days ago – I was running downstairs In a hurry when I stumbled, slipped and that was all! I broke my right leg! An ambulance took me to hospital and I had an operation. My bone was set and my leg was put in plaster. I can’t believe how this happened to me!

I’m now on crutches and still in hospital so I wouldn’t be able to come, dance and enjoy the club’s fantastic music. What a shame! Anyway, time flies and I’ll soon be in the pink. As for the karaoke idea, I think it’s great. I wish I could come to your party!

Ex. C page. 33

  1. Lose/regain consciousness
  2. Catch/pick up an illness
  3. Recover from a bug
  4. Suffer/have a concussion

Ex. D page. 33

  1. Run over sb  C drive over sb’s body or part of it
  2. Run into/ crash into E hit
  3. Set out/off A begin a journey
  4. Pull out F move away from the side of a road
  5. Pull up B stop

Ex. E page. 33

  1. When he set off that day, it was foggy and drizzly and the road was dangerously slippery.
  2. There was poor visibility because of the rain and as she was trying to pull out her car crashed onto the hard shoulder.
  3. The car got out of control and ran into a bus coming in the opposite direction.
  4. As the lorry was moving at high speed the careless driver almost ran over a dog crossing the road.




Ex. F page. 33

It happened last weekend as I was going to pay a visit to uncle Fred. It was drizzling and when I pulled out into a side street off the avenue, I tried to speed up to overtake a stationary vehicle. Unfortunately, my car skidded, I completely lost control of it and collided with another car in front. My goodness! I banged my head against the windscreen and now I’m in bed suffering a terrible concussion. As you can understand, I’m still in a state of shock. I’m very sorry for not being able to attend your chess competition. But I’m sure, you’ll be the winner! You are an excellent player who has great patience, persistence and intelligence. You’ve proved many times that you can beat even the most competent opponents and win. So don’t worry at all. Just keep a cool head.

Ex. B page. 35

  1. Who was satisfied with his deed?
  2. Who lost concussion?
  3. Who stayed as still as a statue?
  4. Who had stitches?
  5. Who won a scholarship?
  6. Who was shocked by what he was told?
  7. Who was sick with measles?
  8. Who took part in a car race?