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EBearzot - “A Word Is Dead” Analysis
by EBearzot - (2019-02-24)
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Just considering the title, the reader may expect the poem to be about to deal with words and their life. They are probably leaving entities because the speaking voice uses the word “dead”.

The layout shows the composition consists of six lines arranged into two similar patterns: two tersest, that is stanzas of three lines each, separated by a full stop, it follows that the reader may be interested in finding the reason of such structure.

Taking structure in count, the reader has to read the text to find out the content and later become aware of the function of the two tersest in the economy of the poem.

The speaking voice reports common people’s opinion about the life of a word once it is said. At the same time the speaker communicates a point-of-view on the matter discussed and asserts her strong opinion: words start living when said.

There is no doubt structure helps meaning in that the two stanzas contain two different perspectives on the topic discussed.

Structure alone does not underline the personal conviction of the poetess: the alternation of passive and active form of verbs add to meaning. “It is said” in the first tercet finds its correspondent expression in “I say” in the second one. There is no need to highlight how passivity and activity refer to opposite states of life and as a result the intelligent reader may understand that meaning is the result of a contrast that shows its strength throw structure, verb form and last but not list syntax and semantic choices.

Word order plays a relevant role in the communicative function of the poem. Indeed the choice of two stressed words following one other adds strength to meaning and in particular brings strongly to surface the poetess’ idea about words and their existence. At the same time the phrase “I say” immediately recalls “some say” of the previous line. This happens thanks to the use of alliterative sounds that pack words together. In addition one cannot but mention the frequent occurrence sound “s” in the whole text. It is a way to create sound parallelism between words and create coyson  between the two stanzas and of course between the two different points-of-view.

The life of words comes to the forefront in the semantic choices made by the poetess. The percentage pf words that mostly comes to mind and strikes the reader belongs to the semantic field of time. People and words as well leave and have their existence in time. “When it is said”, “just”, “begins”. “to leave” and “that day” are all expressions referring to time and the relationship people and words have with time. Interesting is to notice that all verb tenses are in the simple presJUent and aspect, meaning that the poetess' intention is to make readers feel and think that what she is writing is always true. There is also an infinitive that is clearly connected with a phrase that may be considered a key one (that day). Life extends in life.