Communication » 2PLSC Communication

JSchiff _ Homework for the 11th of March 2019
by JSchiff - (2019-03-10)
Up to  2PLSC - Grammar Practice for the new school yearUp to task document list

Pages a59 and 60 all the exercises:

Ex. 1

  1. This room is definitely bigger than mine, it’s also really more spacious!
  2. It is a bit more modern than mine, also I have the parquet on the floor and I have an old carpet.
  3. My furniture are different in colours, but modern the same: I have a black bookcase, brown desk, brown and yellow wardrobe and the bed is a darker grey.
  4. My room is tidier, I don’t play the guitar and I have a really older computer.


Ex. 2

  1. To escape from their family
  2. Isn’t home a lot
  3. She’s very creative
  4. In his room
  5. They can play loud music


Ex. 3

I’m most similar to the speaker 1, even if my family isn’t that big.


Ex. 4

  1. 2 weeks as a birthday present
  2. Has had it for 5 years, and before it belonged to his father.
  3. Fells proud.
  4. Animals, the lion
  5. father, Africa
  6. holidays


Ex. 5

  1. guitar, next
  2. guitar, in the corner next to the bookcase
  3. flag, onto the wall above his bed
  4. collection of animals, on top of the wardrobe
  5. lamp, on
  6. collection, on the top, in front of the bed.


Ex. 6

  1. cheap, heat, scene, view
  2. blue, room
  3. floor, lawn, porch, work
  4. earth,
  5. dark.


Ex. 8

  1. old, single
  2. yellow, cotton
  3. lovely.



Ex. 9

My room is not that big, but I like it because it’s cosy. There are two beds, one near the walls, a desk near the door, a printer near the window and a bunch of bookshelves. My most treasured possession is a Star wars helmet I made for the Carneval a few years ago, now it is the corner, on a shelf.


Page 60

Ex. 1

A, a canyon, mountain, river

B, a canal,

C, a monument, a harbour, rainforest, statue

D, olden sand, shallow sea water

E, olden sand, mountain, monument


Ex. 2

  1. the Grand Canyon is 446 km long, 26 large, 1,8 km deep and is almost
  2. By taking a boat on the river, or from an helicopter
  3. 117 islands
  4. By the vongola, it costs 150 euros
  5. On the top of the Cordovado mountain
  6. By the road
  7. It is in the Coral sea in Australia
  8. Because there are lots of fishes species and shallow water.
  9. In Jordan
  10. On foot, o horseback or by camel.


Ex. 3

  1. the lost city of Petra, in Jordan.
  2. To the Great Barrier Reef, in Australia
  3. Venice, in Italy.


Ex. 4

  1. Dominates
  2. Trading
  3. Neighbourhoods
  4. System
  5. Attract
  6. Breathtaking


Ex. 5

  1. No, there’s not.
  2. No, absolutely not.
  3. There aren’t.
  4. It’s awful.
  5. The football camp, maybe.
  6. In the fields.


Ex. 6

  1. The Alps.
  2. The Milan dome.
  3. Trevi Square
  4. The Coluseum.
  5. Pompei.