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AFurlanut, argumentative text about the "Monaca di Monza
by AFurlanut - (2019-05-12)
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In the following text, I want to support this thesis: the "Monaca di Monza" has a dark side, something which is strange considering her apparent social status. I am going to do it dividing my argumentations in three textual clues and, finally, I will draw conclusions about her real social status.


The first textual clue I am going to analyze is the juxtapposition of words in antithesis: just from the beginning of the description, the intelligent reader can notice the juxtapposition of the words "nun-woman": this detail begins to underline that the nun has something of strange and Alessandro Manzoni wants the reader notices it. Going on with the reading, another important juxtapposition surprises me: "white-black" in wearing. The white represents the purity but the intelligent reader understands that the black testifies her dark side which is not, probably, only in her clothes.


The second textual clue I am going to analyze is her physical aspect: some adjectives testify she has not lived like a normal nun. From the beginning of her physical description, the intelligent reader notices an important detail: she has a black veil, which represents her dark side. Then, another important detail is that she has a disorderly lock in front of her: a normal nun can't be in this condition. Then, the use of the adjectives "drained-fade" ("sbattuta-sfiorita") underlines that her, in her life, has been trough a lot, unlike what she should have done. Finally, she has "misteryous eyes" and this is another confirm about my thesis.


At least, emotions I feel reading the description are the last textual clue I'm going to analyze. She is really unsetting and I don't feel like going to see her. This is another confirm about her real social status and Alessandro Manzoni has been very able to underline it.


Considering all this textual clues, I can affirm she has a dark side because she has been forced to become a nun: because of that, despite her apparent social status, she has lived a "normal life", spending time with men, which is totally the opposite of what she should have done.