Textuality » 4SLSA Textuality

AFranti - text
by AFranti - (2018-11-02)
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Unit 1 listening make me think about different aspects of children and teenagers. In the listening there is a psychologist that is been interviewed by an interviewer that ask her various kind of questions about children’s behaviour and what influence it. She answers to the TV presenter by saying that children behaviour in first years of their life is influenced by their parents in fact in first years of life children do what their parents say them to do so children are under the strong control of their parents.

When children start going to school, they meet new people that are important for them and their grow. These people are teachers and school mates. On the first and the second school year, they are strongly influenced by teachers: indeed, they know nobody in the class where they are and so they don’t know how their school mates are. So, in these two years, they are under the influence of teachers that are so crucial in the formation cycle of the student. In these two years they also know better their schoolmates and so they start developing reports and friendships. These facts put the child in a group where he “work” and play. Time by time children start being less influenced by teachers but on the other side they start being more influenced by peers. This is the so-called peers’ pressure.

When children become teenagers, this peers influence become stronger than before and teenagers come to create different groups. When they have 14th they have to change school and so they are insert into classes that are not chosen by themselves but into classes that are already being decided with or without their approval. Into these new classes, peers’ pressure is so crucial, indeed as we know, humans are sociable animals that for nature tend to stay in groups and tend to collaborate for reaching together their goal. So, when teenagers enter in a new class, where they know nobody, they have to create report and friendships to work better and spend lot of time with others that are being assigned at those classes with them. At this point is extremely important peers’ pressure and how somebody looks like. In fact, teenagers sometimes want to look what they not are only for being accepted into a class group where they have to work with. But, when they become part of a group, they are peers’ pressured, they can’t every time do what they want because they are under others pressure and this fact contribute negatively to show only a part, an expect of a person, that could not be the aspect that characterize him/her, in favour of a not really own personality that is showed only to be accepted into a group. So, a teenager looks like in a way in a school environment only because he wants to be part of a group and not be alone (you must also think that he has to stay at school’s rules, but I have not written about this aspect because it will be a “must” that someone respect rules and that in a school environment have a behaviour different from home’s behaviour) and when they are not at school, into schoolmates’ group, they be different by how they are at school. So, with this listening, you can discovery and understand how peers’ pressure influence a child or a teenager.