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CPaolini - Homework 06.11.2018
by CPaolini - (2018-11-05)
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Dear James,

I'm attending the second form at liceo Albert Einstein in Cervignano. I don't know what I'm doing in my future yet, but I'm sure, I wouldn't like to be a teacher because I haven't got a lot of patience with children. In my future I also wouldn't like to be a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, an engineer or an architect. I think I will go at university to study Biology. Indeed I like plants and animals. I would like to work in a zoo, but I wouldn't like to be a vet because take care of animals make me sick. I'm also passionate about Chemistry. I find interesting chemical compositions, for example the formula for glucose seems simple to those who don't know its structure, but in reality it is very complicated. I'm good at swimming and I want to take a licence to be lifeguard so in the Summer I'm working in beach. At the moment I've got a lot of time to choose what I'm doing in my future.