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4P LSC - SDri_Listening Activity
by SDri - (2018-11-07)
Up to  4P LSC - Listening activities. Practice. Up to task document list

I carry out the following activities:


New inventions

Are the sentences true or false?

Wing-suits allow people to fly or glide.

Correct True


Wing-suits are getting cheaper.


Incorrect False

Gabriele Diamanti's water distiller is powered by the sun.

Correct True


The "enable talk gloves" help people to use sign language in really cold conditions.


Correct False

James Cameron invented a new underwater camera.


Correct False

MIT students have invented a new type of ketchup.


Correct False

The last invention is a way of producing clouds indoors.

Correct True


The science correspondent thinks the clouds are ugly.

Incorrect True




 The caterpillars of the oak processionary moth are harmful to trees because...

 a. they spread disease.  
 b. they eat leaves.   Correct
 c. they weaken the wood.   

2  The caterpillars of the oak processionary moth...

 a. cannot harm human health.  
 b. can cause minor health problems in humans.  
 c. can cause serious health problems in humans.   Incorrect

3  The forester is aiming to stop the most infestation...

 a. in all parts of London.  
 b. in the west and south west of London.  
 c. in and around Croydon.   Correct

4  The nest of the oak processionary moth caterpillar is...

 a. round and grey, with a diameter of a few centimetres to a couple of feet.  
 b. round and grey, and can be seen about 2 feet up the side of a tree.   Incorrect
 c. round and grey, and no bigger than a golf ball.  

5  Mike sets traps for adult moths...

 a. all year round.  
 b. over a 2km area.   Correct
 c. 2km from infested trees.  

6  Mike blames new insect infestations on...

 a. imports and climate change.   Correct
 b. climate change and new agricultural practices.  
 c. imports and new agricultural practices.  

7  The pine processionary moth...

 a. has not yet been seen in the UK.  
 b. is another serious problem in the UK.  
 c. has so far been contained in the U.K.   Correct

8  Mike mentions the citrus longhorn beetle as an example of...

 a. a pest which was contained thanks to government funding.   Incorrect
 b. a pest which was contained thanks to help from the public.  
 c. a pest which was not contained due to lack of funding.  

9  Mike mentions elm trees as an example of...

 a. another tree species which is affected by moths.  
 b. a tree species which was saved when a disease was intercepted.  
 c. a tree species which completely died out in the U.K.   Correct

10  Mike recommends logging onto his website in order to...

 a. see pictures of moths and other pests.  
 b. get details of a training programme.   Correct
 c. report the health of trees in your local area.