Textuality » 5QLSC Textuality

"She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways"
by AFantini - (2018-10-04)
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“ She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways” is a poem of William Wordsworth. From the title we can ask who is that “she” and why she lives in a lost place; moreover the title gives us a condition of loneliness and distance.

 This poem is organised into three stanzas of four lines each (three quatrains). The function of the first stanza is to transmit the identity of the girl; in these four lines, the author, tells us that she lives near the springs of Dove, in unexplored areas, far from followed ways.In the second stanza the poet describes the beauty of the girl even though she isn’t a visible girl, in fact, he compares her to a hidden flower, a violet.The last quatrain is very important for two reasons: the first one is that in this stanza we can discover the name of the protagonist: Lucy, and the second one is that it contains an essential part of the poem, because the author explains how that girl is important for him and he shows his sadness for her death.

 This text expresses all feelings connected to Lucy’s condition. The style used is able to lay the curiosity to the reader until the end of the story. Furthermore there are several figures of speech, for example, in the second stanza we can find a simile, when Wordsworth equals Lucy to a star shining in the sky, and a metaphor, when he compares her to a hidden flower. In addition, there are several enjambements which contribute to give fluidity to the reading. The rhyme scheme is ABAB.

 The principal theme of this poem, in my opinion, is that time passes very fast and we have to act if we want something; in this case the poet is in love with the girl but he doesn’t say that to her and after she is died and in his heart remains only a huge sadness.