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MZomero - American aspects that attract Changez in chapter 1 and chapter 2
by MZomero - (2018-11-19)
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In the present text I am going to analyze american aspects that attract Changez in  chapter 1 and chapter 2.

The first thing who invades reader’s mind is the characterization of the interlocutor who remembers an American soldier.

 It’s also very important the description of the Princeton college, through this university Changez wants to show the perfection of the American schools, where the teachers give an excellent education, the students are the best in the world and in these schools everyone can realize his desires because everything is possible , and even strangers are well received.

Moreover the Underwood Samson & Company, Changez is selected for a job interview with the company. It is the typical American's business company and it is the symbol of american economy, indeed it underlines the theme of capitalism because every worker has to do his best.

Also the character Jim has an important role in the novel, believing in the American dream he was able to get rich. Changez takes inspiration from him, because just like Changez was poor at first, but later thanks to the American system , which gives to everyone the possibility of changing , he became rich.

As regards the second chapter, the character that best embodies the American aspects is Erica. Changez fell in love with Erica, this love represents the harmony between Pakistan and the United States. She is handsome and powerful like the United States.

All these aspects firstly led Changez to hope for the American model, he felt well integrated into society and saw his success in this new land