Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

GPozzar - Audio B1/B2- Homework 12/12/2019
by GPozzar - (2020-01-03)
Up to  3LSCA - B2. ResultsUp to task document list



ES 1: esito 5/5

Speaker A: next-door neighbour 

Speaker B: brother

Speaker C: best friend 

Speaker D: childhood friend

Speaker E: boyfriend


ES 2: esito 10/10

A) False 

A) True

B) False

B) True
C) True
C) False
D) False
D) False
E) False
E) True




ES 1: esito 10/10


There are strong influence from other, similar sports/ It started in California/ A big event for this sport is held in Wales/ This sport involves doing tricks in the air/ There  are more guys than girls doing it


Roller derby:

It’s becoming really popular in the UK/ This sport began in the 1930’s/ There are more girl than guys doing it/ When you compete, you score points for your team/ The clothes people wear for this sport have changed


ES 2: esito 6/8

1) they might be included in the 2020 Olympics

2) a speed-boat

3) difficult

4) is a good place to see the best riders

5) are often the same as skateboarding and surfing ones

6) has had a revival in popularity in the last fifteen years

7) going past other players

8) mostly non-professional