Communication » 2LSCA Communication

ENicola - Play
by ENicola - (2020-01-09)
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George and Elizabeth are talking in the living room, while little Tracy is playing with a stuffed animal on the carpet. Suddenly Sophie comes into the living room without taking her eyes off her mobile phone and without paying any attention to anyone.

George: “Hi Sophie, you sound speechless! We haven't seen each other all day and you don't even say hello!”.

With an annoyed air she says: "Hi", keeping her eyes on her mobile phone.

Tracy says: “Look mum, she’s always on her mobile phone!”.

Sophie kicks Tracy nervously.

Elizabeth getting up says: “Don’t treat badly your sister! Tell her sorry!”.

Sophie shrugs but says: “Sorry Tracy....Are you happy now, mum? Anyway, some of my friends are having a party tonight....Can I go there?”.

Elizabeth and George say together: “Who, where, when, why?”.

George: “Who would take you there? I work till late and I don’t want to take the car out to drive you to the party!”.

Tracy: “It's better, so dad and I spend time together tonight!”.

Sophie says: “Emily’s cousin would take me and the party is taking place in Jacob’s basement.”.

Elizabeth glancing her husband says: “George, what do you think about it?”.

George: “I don’t trust Jacob.”

Elizabeth: “Me too....”

Sophie: “But Jacob is a friend!”.

Tracy: “Oh Sophie has a boyfriend *laugh* .”

Sophie: “Shut up Tracy! It’s not true.”

George: “No, I’m sorry Sophie, but I’ve decided you can't go to the party.”

Sophie annoyed, sits on the table and says: “Mum, dad....I remember you I’m sixteen! Times have changed. They aren’t the same when you were young! I have the right to go there and you should know and trust me.”

Elizabeth: “We trust you, but we don’t trust the other people!”.

Tracy: “I wouldn’t even trust you.”

Elizabeth: “If you watch the news, you could understanding the world where we live!”.

George: “Your mother is right! We don’t know anything about the guys at the party, we can’t imagine their intentions.”

Sophie: “Always the same excuses! I’ve never got home drunk or too late”.

Elizabeth: “Yes, but we have to ensure that you fell good!”.

Sophie: “I’ll be careful, I promise.”.

George: “OK, you can go. Please, remember what we told you, only a mistake is enough to betray our trust.”

Sophie with a satisfied air hugs, kisses and thanks her parents.

Tracy: “If I were you, I wouldn’t let her go, she doesn’t deserve it, you must also notice the way she treated me!”.

Before getting out the door, Sophie catches Tracy’s stuffed animal and throws it away.