Communication » 1LSCA

FBasso - lettera con il past simple
by FBasso - (2020-01-13)
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Lettera con il past simple

Dear Jamie, today I tell you the story about the life of my grand-grandfather.

He was born on the 22th of April 1915, he was born in Vicenza, his name was Antonio.

He was a farmer, he had short brown hair and blu eyes, he was quite tall. He had 4 brothers and 3 sisters.

He was my mother’s grandfather. He got up at eight o’clock in the morningand he went to bed at 10:30

p.m. He went to school in Malisana, a small village near Torviscosa and he finish to study early at the age of

16 years old. Then he met my grand-grandmother, her name was Speranza. They had 4 child. In the 1944

was born my grandfather, he’s name is Nereo, he is my mother’s father. He died at the age of 85 years, I

didn’t know him.