Communication » 1LSCA

MOsso - pag.185-189
by MOsso - (2020-01-15)
Up to  1LSCA - Introducing Grammar Up to task document list


1 didn't go

2 didn't pay

3 didn't drink

4 didn't perform

5 didn't take

6 didn't make

7 didn't have

8 didn't stop

Es. 2 

1 was

2 spent

3 didn't work

4 studied 

5 didn't have

6 didn't play

7 dry

8 was

9 invited

10 didn't look 

Es. 3

1 my sister wasn't watching the tv

2 correct

3 correct

4 correct

5 correct 

6 correct 

7 were you friends walking to school?

8 correct 

Pag. 186

Es. 1 

1 were sharing

2 was sleeping

3 we're looking 

4 was watching

5 was crying 

6 were waiting