Communication » 2LSCA Communication

Aerrichiello-pag 36/37 listening pag 39
by AErrichiello - (2020-01-23)
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Es. 1 pag.36

Las year I went in the mountains. I was 14 years old. I remember that I lost along the street. I begun to cry. No one passed along the street. I was very scared. The telephone was broken. My parents searched me for half an hour and later they called the police to fined me. I decided to sit on the street and attend that someone passed there. I was a horrible experience. 

Es. 3 pag.36

I was only eight years old/ It was late in the evening/It was a lovely morning for a walk/I was in the classroom when...

I was really worried/ excited!/We were in trouble!/ What a surprise!/Just in time to...

I'll never forget the time/day when iI decided/first saw...was an event I'll never forget.

All of a sudden/suddenly/really/completely.

and/but/so/because my mum wanted... 

Beginning: First

Middle: When/Then/Later/While/After that/Afterwards.

End: Finally/Eventually/In the end.

Es.4 pag. 36

First they got to the top of a hill.

Then they stopped to look at the starts.

Eventually they decided to go back to the campsite.

While they were walking back, the little boy saw three little stars in the woods.

After a while he asked his mother about them.

In the end, it turned out they were fireflies.

Es. 5 pag. 37

The year was 1969. I was twelve and I was in the classroom. The Science teacher came in. We had a Science test that day I was getting ready to begin, when, all of a sudden the teacher told us to stand up.
“We are going to the lab” he said. We were really surprised! Our Science teacher never changed his mind! But he said it was a special day, so we went to the lab.
there was a TV set in a lab. The teacher switched it on. Just in theme to see the first man on the moon! When he switched on, astronaut Neil Armstrong was opening the hatch. First, he descended a ladder and he started walking around. After that, astronaut Aldrin joined Armstrong on the surface, and we heard him describe the view with the phrase “Magnificent Desolation!”.
it was great, but in the end the Science lesson finished and we had to return to our classroom. However, I’m so glad the teacher allowed us to participate in an event I’ll never forget. And, most important, that’s how I became interested in space travel.

Es.7 pag. 37

Las week went to my boyfriend's basketball mach. They won the first set and the second too. The third set they lost. The fourth set was very hard: they were very troubled. I was in agog.

But during the last minute my boyfriend made a basket. and they won. At last it was over and I breathed a sig of relief!

Es.7 pag.39

When does the science exam start? A

What did Eva give her gran for her birthday? C

What was the weather like when the boy’s class went to the beach? A

What does the man think is good for Science lessons? C

How do the boy and girl plan to travel to the exhibition? B

What is the boy going to send his brother? C