Communication » 2LSCA Communication

by GDotteschini - (2019-10-10)
Up to  2LSCA - Revising GrammarUp to task document list

Es. 1 pag. 6

I’m a son, I’m a sister, I’m a nephew and I’m a cousin.

Es. 2 pag. 6

Enrico is my older brother. He’s 19 years old and he has got short curly light brown hair and brown eyes. He’s tall and quite muscular and he’s shy, kind and lazy.

Alessandro is my other older brother. He’s 21 years old and he has got short straight brown hair and green eyes. He’s quite tall and muscular and he’s funny, generous and messy.

Ilaria is my cousin. She’ is the daughter of my mother's brother. She lives in Modena and she is 15 years old.She has got long curly brown hair and brown eyes. She’s quite short and slim and she’s sociable, hilarious and confident.

Es.3 pag. 6

I think 2 is Vicky’s father.

I think 3 are Vicky’s sisters.

I think 4 are Vicky’s brother and his family.

I think 5 are Vicky’s grandparents.

Es. 4 pag. 6

1.       Her mum writes for a magazine.

2.       Her dad works in a bank.

3.       Her sisters argue all the time.

4.       Her brother and family live in Paris.

5.       Her grandpa often goes to Spain.


Es. 5 pag. 6

  1. Her sisters are laughing.
  2. Her father is playing football.
  3. Her grandpa and his girlfriend are playing golf.
  4. Her brother and his family are sitting in the park.


Es.6 pag.6

My dad works in a bank, but today he is playing football.

Es.7 pag. 6

  1. We haven’t a family pet.
  2. I’m reading a good book at the moment.
  3. My parents speak English.
  4. I’ wearing my favourite shoes today.
  5. My best friend likes shopping.
  6. I don’t play the guitar.
  7. It isn’t raining.

Es. 8 pag. 6

  1. Do you have a family pet? No, we don’t.
  2. Are you reading a good book at the moment? Yes, I am.
  3. Do your parents speak English? Yes, they do.
  4. Are you wearing your favourite shoes today? Yes, I am.
  5. Does your best friend like shopping? Yes, she does.
  6. Do you play the guitar? No, I don’t.
  7. Is it raining? No, it isn’t.


Es. 1 pag. 7

Protein: eggs, fish, tuna, beans, chicken, ham.

Carbohydrates: bread, pasta, cereals, cheese,

Fruit and vegetables: apple, watermelon, strawberry, cherry, pear, banana, orange.

Other: chocolate, cakes, chips.

Es. 2 pag. 7

  1. I think the healthiest school lunch is D.
  2. A is the most similar to mine.
  3. I most like to eat A.

Es.3 pag. 6

  1. Brazil=D
  2. France=A
  3. England=C
  4. Australia=B

Es. 4 pag. 7

Countable nouns: a banana, a strawberry, an orange.

Uncountable nouns: bread, meat, tuna.

Es. 5 pag. 7

A:Is there any bread in photo D?

B:Yes, there is.

A:Is there any meat in photo D?

B:No, there isn’t.

A:Are there any apples in photo C?

B:No, there aren’t.

A:Are there any tomatoes in photo C?

B:Yes, there are,

A:Is there any rice in photo B?

B:No, there isn’t.

A:Are there any crisps in photo B?

B:Yes, there are.

A:Is there any meat in photo A?

B:Yes, there is.

A:Are there any eggs in photo A?

B:No, there aren’t.

Es.6 pag.7

My school day starts early. For breakfast I usually have bread, Ø hot chocolate and a banana. I love

  • fruit, so I always put an apple and an orange in my school bag for later. We have a dog and I

have to take the dog out before I go to school. There’s a school bus. I know I should walk to

school, but the bus stops right outside my house and I’m lazy! I have lunch at school. The  lunches

are healthy and because Ø pasta is my favourite food, I usually have that. I get home around five

o’clock. Luckily, my mum’s a great cook, so we always eat well at home.

Es.7 pag.7

A: What have you got for lunch today?

B: I’ve got Ø sandwiches and an apple. The sandwiches look OK, but I don’t want the apple. I can’t

stand Ø fruit!

Es.8 pag. 7

1. The fast food is bad for you.

2. The Italian food is the best in the world!

3. Ø men cook better than Ø women.

4. I can’t live without Ø chocolate.

5. It’s wrong to eat Ø animals.


Es.9 pag.7

1. I agree with number 1.

2. I agree with number 2.

3. I disagree with number 3.

4. I disagree with number 4.

5. I agree with number 5.


Es.1 pag.10

Do: yoga, homework, houseworks .

Go: Horse-riding, shopping, out with friends.

Play: The guitar, the piano, volleyball, tennis.


Es.2 pag.10

Do yoga V

Do homework VVV

Do houseworks V

Go horse-riding X

Go shopping V

Go out with friends VVV

Play the guitar X

Play the piano X

Play volleyball: V

Play tennis X


ES.3 pag.10

Have you ever done any of these dangerous sports?

1....been snowboarding? X

2. ...been kite-surfing? X

3. ...been horse-riding? V

4. ...been rock climbing? X

Have you ever done any of these things alone?

5. ...been to the cinema? X

6. ...been camping? X

7. ...been to a party? X

8. ...eaten in a restaurant? X

Have you ever done any of these things in front of other people?

9. ...sung a song? V

10. ...played an instrument? V

11. ...acted in a play or in a film? X

12. ...given a speech? V


Es.4 pag.10

A:Have you ever been snowboarding?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever been kite-surfing?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever been horse-riding?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Have you ever been rock climbing?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Have you ever been to the cinema alone?

B: No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever been camping alone?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever been to a party alone?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever eaten in a restaurant alone?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever sung a song in front of other people?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Have you ever played an instrument in front of other people?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Have you ever acted in a play or a film in front of other people?

B: No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever given a speech in front of other people?

B:Yes, I have.

Es.5 pag.10

A: Have you ever gone horse-riding?

B: No, I haven’t. Help!


Es.6 pag.10

1. The most famous city I’ve ever been to is Florence.

2. The fastest car I’ve ever been in is a Lamborghini.

3. The most beautiful place I’ve ever been to is Florence.

4. The tallest building I’ve ever been in is the Eiffel Tower.

5. The most expensive shop I’ve ever been in is Louis Vuitton.

6. The best party I’ve ever been to is my friend Anna’s birthday party.


Es.7 pag.10

1. My partner hasn’t been to a rock concert.

2. My partner hasn’t wrote a poem.

3. My partner hasn’t seen a James Bond film.

4. My partner hasn’t been to London.

5. My partner hasn’t won a prize.

6. My partner hasn’t met a famous person.

7. My partner has stayed up all night.

8. My partner has lost a phone.


Es.8 pag. 10

A:Have you ever been to a rock concert?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever wrote a poem?

B:Yes, I have.

A: Oh, I was wrong!

A:Have you ever seen a James Bond film?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever been to London?

B:No, I haven’t.

A:Have you ever won a prize?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Oh, I was wrong!

A:Have you ever met a famous person?

B:Yes, I have.

A: Oh, I was wrong!

A:Have you ever stayed up all night?

B:Yes, I have.

A:Have you ever lost a phone?

B:Yes, I have.