Communication » 1LSCA

by SDelcuratolo - (2020-03-26)
Up to  1LSCA - WEEK III 16 - 22nd March, 2020 - Online Study for Prolonged School Closure.Up to task document list

Es. 9 pag. 199

1)My friends are going to spend a week in mountain.

My friends are going to spend a week in the mountains.

5) Are your neighbors still going to paint pink their house?

Are your neighbors still going to paint their house pink?

6) The girl was very happy and she was going to start singing and dancing.

The girl was very happy and she was starting to sing and dance.

7)I’m going to leave for London in July, but I don’t know when. My sister, instead, is leaving on 7th of july.

I’m leaving for London in July, but I don’t know when. My sister, instead, is leaving on 7th of july.

Es. 10 pag 199

1)Sono d’accordo con Arianna. Infatti il verbo esprime un timetable e quindi si deve usare il simple present.

Non è un timetable perché è vero che c’è un orario ma non cisi riferisce a un servizio pubblico e non si tratta di un’azione indipendente dalla volontà di chi parla. Si tratta, invece, di un programma prestabilito e va reso con il present continuous: I’m studying English with Eddie tomorrow at 5.

2)Si possono usare diverse strutture:

- simple present: “The train arrives at 9 o’clock”;

- will: “It will rain tomorrow”;

- present continuous: “I am going to London this Monday”;

- be going to: “I’m going to make me a sandwich”;


Si può indicare con be going to + forma base (The film is going to end.), be about to + forma base (The girl was about to faint.) e con be on the point of + forma -ing (The boy was on the point of crying.).

3)La frase va tradotta così: “Ross is going to leave with the train”

Si può erroneamente tradurre Ross is going to leave by train senza pensare che con i verbi go, come e leave non si usa be going to per indicare intenzione, imminenza o deduzione. La frase va pertanto tradotta con il present continuous: Ross is leaving by train.

Es. 11 pag. 201

5) (Senza risposta)

Phil won’t do anything to help you!

Es. 12 pag. 201

2)will, ‘ll

won’t, won’t


Es. 16 pag. 203

7)will stay-want to paint       

are you going to stay-want to paint

8)will stop


Es. 17 pag. 203

8)will your friends leave

are your friends leaving

Es. 18 pag. 203

1)’ll succeed-‘ll be

Succeeds-‘ll be

Es. 20 pag. 205


The next time


In case


As soon as

Es. 22 pag. 205

3)won’t control

Don’t control

12)will tell


13)will keep


Es. 24 pag. 205

4)As soon as Marina tells me if she come with us, I’ll call the travel agency and I’ll book a flight.

As soon as Marina tells me if she is coming with us, I’ll call the travel agency and book the flight.

7)The next time you arrive late, I won’t  give you the permission to rest in class and follow the lessons.

The next time you arrive late, I won’t allow you to stay in the classroom and follow the lessons.

8)B: Next week? But It’s Monday today!!! Dad will get hungry when he’ll know that!

B: Next week? But It’s Monday today!!! Dad will get hungry when he knows that!

Es. 25 pag. 205

1)Si può usare: “Shall I help you?”

Può usare Shall + I + forma base: Shall I mow the lawn?

3)Infatti la regola dice nella frase subordinata non si usa mai il simple future ma il simple present mentre nella frase principale si usa il simple future.

No, non ci va il futuro solo se if introduce una subordinata ipotetica If you do it again, I’ll punish you!; se però introduce una dubitativa, allora ci va il simple future: I wonder if you will ever forget him!

Es. 26 pag. 206

1)are tidying

will tidy


Is going to cook

8)are you going to leave

are you leaving

Es. 27 pag. 207


It’s too hot. I’ll switch the air conditioning on. (Il simple future esprime un’azione decisa sul momento.)

Es. 30 pag. 207

1)Look! The motorcycle race is going to begin!

Look! The motorbikerace is going to start!

6) A: What time does the party start?  B: It will begin at 20, but I don’t think that everyone will arrive before 21.

A What time does the party begin? B It begins at 8 p.m., but I don’t think everybody will arrive before 9 p.m.

7)A: I don’t remember the telephone number of the catering service.  B: I look it up in the Internet!

A I can’t remember the phone number of the catering service. B I’ll look it up on the Internet!


Es. 2

3) (non ho capito)