Communication » 2LSCA Communication

AErrichiello - WEEK V - Listening and Reading Skills Activity (B1).
by AErrichiello - (2020-04-01)
Up to  2LSCA - V WEEK- READING - LISTENING SKILLS . VOCABULARYUp to task document list

Listening Practice (B1)






Words and phrases for talking about difference




Words and phrases for talking about things that are the same

to have in common



to share.


Put the characteristics in the correct gpoup.



is closer to the sun.

has some air

has more nitrogen and oxygen than carbon dioxide



Is colder

has a longer day

used to have water

is 50 per cent smaller.


Complete the sentences.


Most people think Mars can support human life.

We measure distances in space using astronomical units.

The two planets aren't the same colour.

Most of the water on Mars is probably frozen. 

The air on Earth is mostly made up of nitrogen.

Gravity on Mars is just over one third as strong as on Earth.


Percentuale: 100%






to admit

to confess


an action to achieve a result

a strategy


to behave as if something is true

to pretend


a situation where the result is very important 

high stakes


the water the comes from your skin when you're very hot

to break something down  X sweat


to give the main points

sweat X to summarise


forms and document



to make something into smaller parts

to summarise. X to break something down



Are the sentences true or false?


The interviewer finds speaking the most difficult. False


Gabriella thinks, in some situations, people can find speaking easier than listening. True 


According to the interviewer, asking for someone to say the same thing again is one way to solve the problem. False


Gabriella recommends pretending to understand if a conversation is too difficult. False


Gabriella's strategy for managing important conversations sounds strange to the interviewer at first. True 


Gabriella's idea involves asking a lot of questions. False X True


Match the expressions to their meaning.


I can't think.

My brain shuts down.


I won't be upset.

I can take it.


I wanted to escape.

I wanted to get out of it.


I was really nervous or afraid.

i came out in a cold sweat.


I still don't understand.

I'm still lost.


I understand what you're saying!

I get you.


Percentuale: 80 %



Reading practise 





to find out

to discover, to learn


to keep in touch

to maintain the communication


to get on well

to have a good and friendly relationship.


to sweat

to produce liquid from your skin, especially when you are hot or nervous.


to shave

to cut hair very close to the skin


to reckon (informal)

to think, to believe


Are the sentences true or false?


The interviewer asks the difficult questions first. False


Henry thinks punctuality is important. True


Henry is a fan of superheroes. True


He would never cut or shave his hair. False


Henry thinks Facebook is the best way to communicate with his fans. False


Being able to share a joke is important to Henry when he is looking for a partner. True


Henry thinks appearance is more important than personality when it comes to girlfriends. False


Henry doesn't get nervous when he performs these days. False



Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.


Henry was born in a town in the north of England.


Henry would like to play the drums and the piano.


Henry uses Twitter to communicate with his fans.


Henry wants a girlfriend who doesn't mind being woken up in the night for a chat.


Henry says his first kiss was with someone he mat at school.


Henry drinks herbal tea before a concert.


Percentuale: 100%













a reminder

a prompt


to delete

to remove


a habit

a custom


common sense

good judgement


to divide

to split


a back up

a copy.


Are the sentences true or false?


Amy is very good at handing in her homework on time. False


Amy writes down the date she has to hand in her homework. False X  True


Hana tidies her computer desktop twice a day. False


Amy thinks Hana’s tip is good. True


Gloria thinks the date you start studying is important. True


Lou thinks the best thing about having a noticeboard is using board pens. False



Write words to fill the gaps.


Amy is asking for tips about organising school work. She keeps a diary with a record of her homework. She also writes a reminder in case she forgets.

Hana thinks it's important to keep your computer desktop clean and tidy. She deletes things she doesn’t need and puts her work into separate folders.

Gloria says it's important to start studying in plenty of time and not to leave things until the nightbefore!

Lou’s tip is to use a noticeboard, divided into sections for each subject.

He thinks the best thing about this idea is the feeling he gets when he removes an item!




Percentuale: 100%