Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

SNardella - Sanem and Can's CHARACTERISATION - 22/10/2019
by SNardella - (2019-10-22)
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The watcher is plunged in the scene. The director doesn’t leave time at the watcher to understand what is going on. Infact, we can say that the scene opens with a dialugue between Sanem and Can: Can has just discover a Sanem’s lie about a document thet she had stolen some time ago. This makes the watcher does not make a personal idea of what is appening and what the are seeing. That is the two prtagonist are intoduced by the technique of telling.

Immediatly we can see how Can reacts. The director decides to make Can fixed , that is he doesn’t react and he doesn’t say nothing. This decision is made by the director because he wants to make a suspance and let try to understand what will happen to the audience. Infact, immediatly after we can see Can’s reaction. We can say a lot about them body language: indeed first of all we can see how he is angry and he isn’t able to stay fixed. He moves on and back. We can say that he doesn’t believe to his ears. He is like if he was defending himself from Sanem. Sanem, who is really desperated, tries to explain what is happened during that evening, but Can doesn’t make her speakes: she tries to approach him but he staps away. The director decides to move and make interact the two protagonists like this, beacuse he wants to let the watcher understand that even if Sanem had lied, Can is too much angry with her taht he doesn’t let explain her. In thisa way Can appears to the audience like the bad person that doesn’t give time to her for explaining her point of view. At the end of this part we can say how Can is angry with himself too bacuse he has made a wrong prejudice on Sanem. This his thought is reported in a phrase that says “I could not know you”.

Another really important thing is the setting. Infact the director dacides to set this scene at the Luna Park for making a contrast between an happy place, that makes all the people and children happy and smiling, and the “sad and unhappy moment between Sanem and Can.