Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

MBurba - Homework 22.10.2019
by MBurba - (2019-10-22)
Up to  3LSCA - CharacterisationUp to task document list

In the present text I’m going to analyse the characterisation of Sanem and Can, the two protagonists, as presented in the romantic novel Early Bird. The analyse will focus the attention on the small part of the episode taken from the whole novel.


The scene allows you to see Sanem immediately and to get an idea of her. She is introduced with the tecnique of showing so the link is immediate and direct without others’ opinion. However the curiosity and the suspance are missing because we know the character from the relathionship with the other protagonist.


The reader is plunged in a conflicting situation that takes place in a Luna Park in the evening. This is made in order to crate a contrast between an happy and fun place ( luna park ) and a dramatic moment ( the discuss between Sanem and Can ).

Sanem is making a confession to Can but he doesn’t answer. The aim of the director is to raise curiosity so the reader wants go on watching because he or she wants to know his reaction.


We can understand their feelings from their body language : Sanem has got a face which shows her disappointment instead Can is stoned creating that lack of significance for which we are interested and curious to go on. Moreover she does some steps because is afraid of his reaction instead he steps back.

Can is angry beacuse he feel betrayed we can see it from his body language and he raises his voice too.


The difference between the two characthers is that Sanem behaves with her feelings instead Can with the rationality. He doesn’t let Sanem explain and he wants to understand without listening. Can had a prejudice of her so when Sanem try to explain the reason why she had to entered in his house ,he doesn’t listen to her because he is focused on the fact she is different by how he thought.


Even if Sanem made the damage the direct makes her ook like the victim.


Then the scene shifts to Emre. This is made in order to prove that Sanem was right.

After that Can calls to his brother ( Emre) because he doesn’t trust Sanem.

Can is angry with himself because Sanem is different from how he thought. Can decides to meet Emre at home to have explanations.

Sanem is honest with Emre too because she tells him that she informed Can of everything.