Communication » 2LSCA Communication

by GDotteschini - (2019-10-27)
Up to  2LSCA - Revising GrammarUp to task document list

1)If I trained I would be good at sports. Se mi allenassi sarei brava negli sport.

2)If she talked with Paul, she would become his friend. Se lei parlasse con Paul diventerebbe sua amica.

3)If you listened to the teacher you would do the text correctly. Se ascoltassi l’insegnante faresti la verifica correttamente.

4)If I took my dog out I would meet my friend. Se portassi fuori il mio cane incontrerei la mia amica.

5)If I got up early in the morning I wouldn’t be late at school. Se mi svegliassi presto la mattina non arriverei tardi a scuola.

6)If you were less nervous, you would have more friends. Se tu fossi meno nervoso avresti più amici.

7)If I read that novel, I would love it. Se leggessi quel romanzo lo amerei.

8)If they were kind they wouldn’t be so hateful. Se loro fossero gentili non sarebbero così odiosi.

9)If he had pizza for lunch he would be happy. Se lui mangiasse la pizza a pranzo sarebbe felice.

10)If I didn’t eat much at breakfast I would be more hungry. Se non avessi mangiato tanto a colazione sarei più affamato.

11)If I didn’t go to bed late I would get up early. Se non andassi a letto tardi mi sveglierei presto.

12)If I went to the party I would meet lots of friends. Se andassi alla festa incontrerei molti amici.

13)If I didn’t go out yesterday I would watch tv. Se ieri non fossi uscita avrei guardato la tv.

14)If he weren’t so curious he would have less troubles. Se lui non fosse così curioso avrebbe meno guai.

15)If time were fine I would go to the beach. Se il tempo fosse bello andrei in spiaggia.

16)If I weren’t scared I would fly. Se non avessi paura volerei.

17)If I travel light my journey would be easier. Se viaggiassi leggera il mio viaggio sarebbe più facile.

18)If I didn’t go out every night I would be less tired. Se non andassi fuori ogni notte sarei meno stanca.

19) If Paul did practice his coach would be more satisfied. Se Paul facesse pratica il suo allenatore sarebbe più soddisfatto.

20)If Mary participated in a talent se would win. Se Mary partecipasse and un talent vincerebbe.

21)If we cooked more healthy we would feel lighter. Se cucinassimo più salutare ci sentiremmo più leggeri.

22)If lessons were more exciting students would be less bored. Se le lezioni fossero più entusiasmanti gli studenti sarebbero meno annoiati.

23)If my cousin studied more she would be more prepared. Se mia cugina studiasse di più sarebbe più preparata.

24)If I had a pet I wouldn’t feel alone. Se avessi un animale non mi sentirei sola.

25)If you came with me to the park we would have fun. Se venissi con me al parco ci divertiremmo.

26)If I were rich I would travel a lot. Se fossi ricca viaggerei molto.

27)If I had coffee I would pay attention. Se prendessi un caffè starei attenta.

28)If I went to a mall I would buy lots pf clothes. Se andassi in un centro commerciale comprerei molti vestiti.

29)If you wore Tom’s jacket he would get hungry. Se tu indossassi la giacca di Tom lui si arrabbierebbe.

30)If she had curly hair she would look prettier. Se lei avesse i capelli ricci sarebbe più carina.