Textuality » 3LSCA Interacting

CPaolini -homework 08.11.2019- Characterisation of episode thirty
by CPaolini - (2019-11-07)
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In the present text I am going to analyze the characterisation of Can and Sanem and the setting of the thirtieth episode. The spectator is plunged into the scene, it is night and the scene starts with a big contrast between the yellow taxi which takes Sanem to Can's cottage and the darkness of the sky. The director exploit the slow up to focus the attention on Sanem's eyes. They are lost in the space and it seems they are made of ice. The director wants to create a contrast between the background scene and the inside of the cottage. The inside of the wooden house is very comfortable and all things are characterized by hot colours, than outside everything is dark and there are only hot colours. The director creates an other contrast to undeline differents emotions of Sanem and Can. Can's posture means he feels betrayed, he doesn't feel at his ease and he anguishes over too many inner thoughts. Can has different reactions to Sanem and to Polen. He doesn't give a lot of importance to Polen's actions but on the other side when he sees Sanem he doesn't expect she comes and so he is surprised. Polen insists with the new engagement for Can but he doesn't give her any answer, in this way the director wants the audience to understand he isn't interested in Polen. Polen realizes Can doesn't give her attention, she feels neglected and so she goes away. The used the director made of the volume is very important because it means Can is speachless and he is taken by surprise.