Communication » 1LSCA

FSchiaffino - Es pag 7 e pag 431
by FSchiaffino - (2019-11-07)
Up to  1LSCA - Introducing Grammar Up to task document list

Es 11 pag 7

1. Is

2. Are

3. Are

4. Is

5. Is

6. Am

7. Is

8. Are

9. Is

10. Are

Es 12 pag 7

1. Are

2. Is

3. Are

4. Is

5. Is

6. Are

7. Are

8. Am

10. Is

Es 13 pag 7

1. My parents aren’ t from Bangladesh / Are my parents from Bangladesh ?

2. Amelia isn’ t off school this week / Is Amelia off school this week ?

3. You aren’ t my best friend / are you my best friend ?

4. Costance isn’ t a silly name for a cat / Is Costance a silly name for a cat ?

5. It isn’ t 11 p.m. / Is it 11 p.m.

6. We aren’ t late for dinner / Are we late for dinner ?

7. We aren’ t twins / Are we twins ?

8. My father isn’ t a baker / Is my father a baker ?

9. I am not tired and hungry / Am I tired and hungry

10. Romeo isn’ t 13 years old / Is Romeo 13 years old ?

Es 14 pag 7

1. Is it cloudy? / Isn’ t it cloudy?

2. Is your daughter thirsty? / Isn’ t your daughter thristy ?

3. Is the car engine hot? / Isn’ t the car engine hot?

4. Are Rachel and Catherine bored? / Aren’ t Rachel and Catherine bored?

5. Are you early? Aren’ t you early?

6. Is your cat afraid? / Isn’ t your cat afraid?

7. Is she sleepy?/ Isn’ t she sleepy?

8. Are we late? / Aren’ t we late?

9. Are the twins cold? / Aren’ t the twins cold?

10. Is he frightened? / Isn’ t he frightened?

Es 15 pag 7

1. No, he isn’ t

2. No, she isn’ t

3. No, they aren’ t

4. Yes they are

5. No, it isn’ t

6. Yes, she is

7. Yes, they are

8. Yes, it is

Es 1 pag 431

1. did

2. they

3. aren’ t

4. aren’ t they

5. does

6. aren’ t

7. has

8. weren’ t

9. wouldn’ t

10. am not

Es 2 pag 431

1. doesn’ t she? Tuo sorella è terrorizzata da ogni tipo di iniezione, non è vero?

2. Shouldn’ t you Mamma, dovresti andare in una clinica più specializzata, non è vero?

3. Did she Carrie non aveva il gesso alla sus gamba lo scorso mese, vero?

4. Haven’ t they Forse loro hanno una borsa del ghiaccio nel freezer, non è vero?

5. Can he Se Luke soffrisse d’ asma, non avrebbe un gatto, non è vero?

6. Shouldn’ t they Tutti dovrebbero sottoporsi a controlli regolari per prevenire attacchi di cuore, non è vero?

7. don’ t it Le fragole spesso causano reazioni allergiche ed eruzioni cutanee

8. Have you Non hai buttato via le bottiglie di pillole, vero?

Es 3 pag 431

1. Is it?

2. Aren’ t there?

3. Can’ t it?

4. Haven’ t it?

5. Aren’ t there?

6. Haven’ t you?

7. Don’ t they?

8. Would it?