Textuality » 5LSCA Interacting

5LSCA - APeruzzi - Normal People July 2013
by APeruzzi - (2019-11-13)
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p.156 “Time softens out while he types, feeling slow and dilated while actually passing very rapidly”

COMMENT: When C writes emails to M, he feels relaxed and the time does not seem to pass.


p.156 “He couldn’t explain aloud what he finds so absorbing about him emails to Marianne, but he doesn’t feel that it’s trivial”

COMMENT: C and M are linked by a sense of belonging when they exchange continuous mails;


p.158 “When he heard Marianne’s name he looked around to see her”

COMMENT: C seems to have M close by even hearing her name, on delivery of the scholarship.


p.161 “ he feels a sort of enjoyably painful sensation in his throat”

COMMENT: when C see M he feels a profound sense of pleasure.


p.162 “He expressed himself more in terms of identification, his sense of rooting for her and suffering with her when suffers, his ability to perceive and sympathise with her motivations.”

COMMENT: There is empathy between them in suffering, in solidarity and pleasure.


p.163Jamie has been a continual object of loathing and derision for Connell since he became Marianne’s boyfriend.”

COMMENT: C feels an annoying jealousy when M starts dating another boyfriend.


p.165 They were lying in bed, Connell had his arm around her. 

“She still laughing . He stroked his hand over her belly, grinning to himself because he was making her laugh.”

COMMENT: When C and M are in bed together they embrace and smile, they find themselves without worries and without conditionings.


p.168 “She’s my friend, alright? Don’t be talking about her like that.”

COMMENT: He also feels annoyed when Helen criticizes Marianne's behavior.


p.170“He was sad for Marianne after that, sad that nothing in her life had ever truly seemed healthy, and sad that he’d had to turn away from her.”

COMMENT: it could note the sense of sadness that Connell feels towards Marianne for the fact that he has moved away from her and for her life.