Communication » 2LSCA Communication

by GDotteschini - (2019-11-13)
Up to  2LSC - Personality. FOCUS 1Up to task document list
  1. My friend Alice is very caring, in fact she takes care of  people she loves
  2. My neighbor is very selfish. He thinks only of himself!
  3. My best friend is cheerful. She’s always happy and carefree.
  4. He’s miserable, in fact he’s always sad and uncomfortable
  5. I’m really hard-working, in fact I always try to do my best at school
  6. My brother is very lazy. He never wakes up before 12 o’ clock on Sunday!
  7. My friend Martina is an outgoing person. She’s very good at public speaking.
  8. You’re very shy. You don’t have the courage to say what you think.
  9. I think she’s so sensible because she always cry when she watches films.
  10. He’s crazy! He’s just shouted to the driver!
  11. She’s a modest person, in fact she doesn’t show her skills.
  12. He’s an experienced swimmer. He’s swimming for 5 years.
  13. They are honest people. They always say what they think.
  14. Luigi is very popular at my school, in fact everybody knows him.
  15. My Science’s teacher is very fair. He treats all his students equally.
  16. I’m very responsible, in fact I don’t do any dangerous thing.
  17. My cousin is an inexperienced chef. She started cooking this year.
  18. Alex is a dishonest person, in fact he always lies.
  19. Erika wasn’t fair last match. She cheated a lot.
  20. Tom is unpopular. He’s got only two friends.
  21. My friend Luca is very irresponsible. He’s  lost his keys for the third time!